Marinette's Gift || MariChat

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Marinette's phone rang constantly. After two missed calls, she finally decided to pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Mari. It's Chat." The person said over the phone. She literally dropped her phone. How in the world did Chat Noir get my number?

"Marinette are you there? Marinette? Marinette?!" Chat asked on speaker as she quickly picked up the phone again. "Yeah, I'm here."

"Meet me by the river." He said over the phone and hung up. Huh, why would he want me by the river when the sun is setting?

Chat sat by the river, looking at his reflection. How good do I actually look? He wondered. At least good enough for Marinette?

"You look handsome just the way you are, Kitty." Chat flinched as he looked back to see Marinette. She was in a beautiful red dress with ladybug spots all over it.

"Well, well, you look gorgeous on this beautiful evening, Mari." Chat kissed her hand. "Follow me onto the boat."

Marinette blushed and then nodded. She followed Chat onto the boat, the stars glowing bright around them, lighting their way through the night.

"Now, Mari. Today is your birthday, right?" He smiled at her in a loving manner.

She was shocked. "H-How did you know?"

"A magician never tells his secrets, Purrincess." Chat wrapped his hand around Marinette's waist as they sat down.

"Well, I guess this is it, Mari. Happy birthday, whoo hoo.." He tried to smile. "I wish Ladybug was here to see this, she'd be proud to see I was doing this for a girl."

Marinette frowned as Chat was about to leap off the boat. "Wait! Why are you leaving now? Aren't you going to stay and talk to me?"

He sighed and looked down. "Knowing that I'll probably always be rejected, it's heavily stinging my heart at the moment."

"Well, I want a little something more for my birthday, Chat." Marinette sighed, feeling sympathetic for him. "You can give me anything."

"Alright, let's go into the indoor area. I bet you're getting a little chilly out here." Chat nodded as they went into the indoor area of the boat.

The two talked for hours about their love lives and other subjects. Soon, midnight hit.

"Well, I guess this is my goodbye." He smiled and waved as he was about to launch his staff into the night.

"Wait!" Marinette called out to Chat, he turned to look at her again. "There's nothing else to talk about. I kinda already gave you the company you needed."

"There's one more thing that will satisfy my night. Come back here." She confessed as he walked back towards her.

"What is it?" Chat questioned, tilting his head to the side. "This," Marinette pulled his body to her's, locking their lips as their bodies touched.

He wasn't expecting that and was definitely shocked that Marinette would do this. But, as charming as he could get, he deserved it. She deserved a tiny bit more though.

As they kept kissing, to Marinette's surprise, Chat slipped his tongue into her mouth. Her mouth is sweet, but do I love this girl as much as Ladybug? His mouth wanted to go on forever with the kiss. Sadly, his Miraculous beeped. They both pulled away, catching their breath.

"Damn it, Plagg." Chat cursed to himself. "Well, I guess I have to go. You don't want to let this Cat out of the bag." He proceeded to wink.

Chat Noir then leaped off the boat with Marinette in his arms. He kissed her on the cheek. "Happy birthday, Marinette. I hope you enjoyed this kitty cat."

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