Dance Proposal || Adrienette

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(Adrien and Marinette already know their identities in this chapter if you get confused).

Adrien turned to see Nathaniel with Marinette. Did she already ask someone to the dance? He thought. Come on, Mari, you know I don't want to be stuck with Chloé..

Adrien's hands were shaking as he held a note. He slowly walked up to her. What if she rejects me? His wandering thoughts made him more anxious. No, I can't think about that. I just need to focus.

The bluenette turned from Nathaniel and saw him walking towards her. "What is it, Adrien?" Marinette asked in her sweet tone.

"I-I-I-I.." Adrien was so nervous he couldn't even say anything, nothing came out of his mouth. Her expression went from curious to worried fairly quickly. "Er, Adrien— are you okay?"

"Let's talk in private, please." He finally gathered the courage to say at least five words. Thank god, I didn't want to be rejected in front of that tomato face.

They both headed to the locker room and they both sat in a little corner. "Okay, now you can tell me, Adrien." She whispered, still keeping her usual sweet tone.

Adrien hesitated and nodded. Come on, Adrien. You can do this. He held Marinette's hand and looked deeply into her bluebell eyes.

"For a long time that I've known you, I liked you as a friend. Now, I realize that you have all the qualities for a purrfect partner. I love that about you," Adrien paused as Marinette nodded. She had a smile spread across her face.

"And you're simply amazing, counting all of your qualities as Ladybug and Marinette. Now, I want to ask you, will you be mine for the dance?" He kneeled down and gave her a rose.

She gasped and cupped her hands over her mouth. This is the first time I was ever asked out by my crush! Should I accept? Marinette thought intently. What am I saying? I should definitely accept!

Marinette sprinted into Adrien's arms, he picked her up and smiled. "I love you, you know that?"

She smiled back, her happy expression returning. "And I love you too, Kitty." Marinette pecked him on the cheek.

He put down the bluenette and pinned her against a locker. "Damn, you're beautiful and that's what I love most about you."

Marinette then flipped him so that way he was pinned against the locker. "You're handsome; that's what I love the most about you."

She immediately locked lips with Adrien. He sounded like he was trying to say something else, but it was muffled out. Adrien went through with the kiss, satisfied.

He flipped so that way he could be in control again. "Purrincess." They both dropped to their knees, plopping onto the ground.

They slowly pulled away, catching their breath. They smirked at each other cheekily and they glanced at the door, getting up before anybody saw them.

"Sneaky, Kitty." Marinette kissed him on the cheek.

"Sneaky, M'Lady." Adrien kissed her on the neck.

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