Chapter One

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I rolled into town on my old beat up Honda. The sea breeze felt like a refreshing change from the breezes back home. The air smelled crisp and salty, and the one thing I instantly fell in love with was the noise. To me, it was the sound of fun, people, life, and hope.

I pulled out the folded and aged piece of paper that I ripped out of a magazine when I was younger and held it up to the skyline of the Santa Carla boardwalk. It was a perfect match; it was my perfect match. I always wanted to come here and as son as I graduated high school, I packed up a few of my things and headed out west.

First thing on my to-do list, was to get a job. I was a new graduate and was in desperate need of a job. My mother agreed to send some money to me, but from a young age, I always knew money was tight and she still had to take care of my younger brother.

I parked my car in the large parking lot of the Santa Carla boardwalk, a few cars were here, but only the locals who could walk really came during the day. Others were on the beach, enjoying the warm summer weather.

I bounced store to store looking for the one I thought I'd like to work the most at. I walked into a comic book store, walking in the rows of the comics. I noticed two boys, younger than me sitting on the counter. They looked gruff, with deep and stern frowns on their faces.

"You looking to buy?" the boy with the red bandanna asked me.

"No," I answered, "Looking for a job."

"Not hiring," the boy with the darker hair said.

"Wasn't asking for a job here," I snickered, "I was wondering if you knew of any places."

"Try the record store," red bandanna said.

"Will do," I muttered before retracing my steps to get out.

"Wait!" one of the boys called after me.

I turned on my heels to face them, "What?"

"Might want to keep this around," the darker haired boy said throwing me a comic book.

I looked down at it, it was some vampire comic book. "Thanks but, I don't have any money on me right now."

"Think of it as you welcome gift," the dark haired boy said.

I smirked, "Thanks..."

"Alan," the dark haired boy said, "That's my brother Edgar. We're the Frog brothers

"Raylen," I introduced myself.

"Well Raylen, welcome to Santa Carla."


The brown shaggy-haired manager eagerly hired me. I guess he needed an extra hand around the place or the fact that I was wearing Zeppelin shirt. I didn't need to question it, I had a job.

The second thing on my to-do list was to make contact with my estranged sister, who so happened to live in Santa Carla with her boyfriend. She dropped out of high school and jumped the train coming out west. I haven't talked to my sister in about two years but last I heard she was an alcoholic who lived with her loser boyfriend who swore he'd get rich playing his guitar.

Although my sister didn't hate me, it'd take work for her to let me stay with her. She didn't know I was here and I would be taking her by surprise.

I knocked on her door, taking in the appearance of the house. It was run down, the grass needed to be mowed, and the house needed to be painted. Suddenly the door opened but was stopped by the door chain. I peeked through the crack and could see my sister's pale washed out face. It definitely didn't look like she lived in California for the past five years.

"Abby?" I questioned with a concerned expression.

"Who's it to you?" she asked. Her voice hadn't changed, it just sounded frightened.

"It's Raylen," I told her.

Suddenly the door shut and I could hear the lock being unlocked. The door quickly swung open and Abby's small hand reached out and pulled me into the house.She held me against he wall by my shirt with a wild look in her eyes.

"Abby, what the hell are you doing?" I questioned.

"How do I know?"

"Know what?" I screamed at her.

"Abby! Let her go," a male voice interrupted our spiff.

I looked over to the man with a spiky mo hawk dressed in leather and chains. I could only assume that was Tommy, her boyfriend.

Abby let go of my shirt and backed away to the man. "Sorry Raylen, it's been awhile."

I nodded in agreement, "It has, hasn't it?"

"So what brings you out here?" she asked in a small voice.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully, "Intuition? A desire to be free of home?"

She broke out into a grin, "I'd always knew you'd get out."

"Well, here I am," I answered.

"So where are you staying?" Tommy asked me.

"Nowhere yet."

"Tommy," Abby said turning around to face him, "She can live her can't she?"

Tommy sighed, "I guess Abbs, but you know I like having the guys around a lot."

"She'll love them!" Abbey exclaimed, "Won't you Raylen?"

I nodded and played along. I had no idea who these boys were, or even if I would like them. "I have a job," I told Tommy, "I can pay you rent. And I won't be around much when summer's over, I plan on going to school."

"Oh please, Tommy," Abby begged, "Let my little sister stay?"

Tommy huffed, "Fine, whatever. Just don't fuck up any of my stuff."


The Lost Boys is the best movie from the 80's and in my opinion the best vampire movie ever. I noticed that there weren't that many fanfics on here and I wanted one so here it is. Probably a bad idea to start a new book but here we go.

Also, if anyone has any good Lost Boys fanfic recommendations, I'd love to hear them.

Enjoy, vote, comment, do epic shit -Floyd

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