Chapter 1

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Before the diagnosis~

It was 7:15 on a warm Thursday morning. The daycare care center opened at 7am so people were just starting to drop their kids off. I would much rather be sleeping right now than be at work but if I ever want to go to college, I need the money.

I was sitting at the front desk checking in the kids, and registering any new ones. As the last of the kids were enter the class room a boy about my age walks in with a little boy.

I smile at the little boy. “Hi! What’s your name?” I ask him. He hides behind the guys leg.

The guy laughs, “This is Andre,” he says “We are new here, I was wondering if I could get him registered and drop him off today.”

“Of coarse! No problem.” I say.

I get them registered.

The guy looks at me and smiles. He’s really cute. He is black, has nice muscles, and the most adorable smile. Not really my type, but he was cute.

I looked down at myself. Shit! I must look like crap. I was wearing my teal daycare work shirt, a pair of yoga shorts, and sneakers. My curly blonde hair was in a messy bun. I didn’t even have any makeup on and I was wearing my glasses. They made me look like such a hipster because they were the black nerd kind, but trust me I’m not trying to look like a total white girl! If you are wondering what I look like I am white, I have blue eyes, semi-tan skin, light blonde curly hair that falls to about my belly button, and I am 5’11”.

“Thanks for helping us out.” He said.

“Yeah well …it is my job!” I replied sarcastically.

He laughed and then looked at Andre who was still hiding behind. “So my little brother here is a little shy. You think you could help him make some friends and get settled in?”

I smiled at Andre, “Sure!”

He bent down to talk to his brother. “Alright A, this lady is going to hang out with you today, you don’t need to be shy. She will help you make some friends.” Andre nodded and peeked at me.

Andre replied quietly and said “Okay… she’s pretty.” Maybe that wasn’t as quiet as he hoped. I blushed and Andre’s brother laughed. “Yes she is, A.” He shot me a flirtatious smile that made me blush even more.

He gave me his number, “Call me if anything happens. Or just call me...” he winked.

I looked down feeling my cheeks heat up. “Ok… if I didn’t know better I would think you are flirting with me.” I smiled back.

“Maybe I am…”

Damn he was cute.

“So what’s your name?” he asked.

“Alison.” I replied.

“Ty…” he said smling. “Aren’t you too young to be working at a daycare?”

“I’m 16… they pay good and it’s not that hard so-” I responded,

“I’m 16 too. Anyways I gotta go. Text me.” he said winking.


2 weeks later…

I have been texting Ty since the day I met him. We haven’t really hung out yet but every day when he brings Andre to daycare we talk.

Today we finally made plans to go to a movie. My friend Jordan came over to help me get ready. She curled my hair while I painted my nails. She was my closest friend. She is the only one who knows about everything I’ve been through.

“So Al… is this a date?” she asked.

“No! no…?” I laughed.

“Are you sure?” she winked at me.

“Yeah… I mean, we just met!”

When she was done with my hair we went to look for an outfit. We decided I would wear a black tank top tucked into a Hi rise Hi-Lo black and white tribal print skirt and black flats.

I dropped her off at her house and then drove to meet Ty.

I walked into to the theater to find Ty standing right there holding a bouquet of roses. I walked up to him and he handed me the flowers. I smiled at him and thanked him and then gave him a hug.

Roses? A little much, but I was so sweet of him to do that.

“You look great.” He said looking me up and down. I blushed and lightly hit his check, “Well, you do too.” I replied.

And he did, he was wearing a black and red YMCMB shirt, Khaki shorts, and white and red sneakers.

“I like your shirt!” I said.

“You do?” he replied surprised.

 “Uhh, YEAH. I love rap.”

He laughed.

We bought our tickets to see The Conjuring and went down and sat down. We sat towards the back. We talked about hip hop and our favorite artists which were basically the same, we both liked Lil Wayne, Drake, Kendrick, Kanye West, etc.

When the movie was on there were a couple scary parts. One time I screamed and he laughed at me hysterically. Another time I got scared I jumped and he put his arm around me. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised.

“Too soon?” he asked disappointed removing his arm.  I laughed at his puppy dog face.

By the time the movie was over I didn’t want it to be. I had a lot of fun today.

We walked out of the theater. “So, do you have any plans or do you want to grab some dinner?” He asked.

“That sounds good.” I replied. We took my jeep and went to McDonalds.

When we got there we order a 20 pc nugget and sat down with our food.

 “So, where did y’all move here from?” I asked.

“Georgia, my dad got offered a job at the hospital here.”

“Cool. So do you like it here in Charlotte so far?”

“Yeah its cool.”

The rest of the night we talked and got to know each other better.

After dinner we went back to his house to hangout some more. His parents were both at the hospital working late and Andre was sleeping over at a daycare friend’s house.

His house was a nice size and was in a good neighborhood.

We went to his room to hangout. “Ty, this is going to sound weird but, do you have a pair of sweatpants I can borrow?  This skirt is uncomfortable as shit!” He laughed and tossed me a pair of Gray YMCMB sweatpants. I went to the bathroom and slipped them on so I was just wearing them and my black cami. I had to roll them up a bunch so they would kind of fit.

After we sat and played Madden NFL on his xbox. I made fun of him and got cocky whenever I beat him. By the end of the night I was cracking up laughing because I really beat him!

Around 11:30pm I decided I should probably go home. We walked out to my car.

“We will have to this again soon.”

“Definitely!” he agreed.

I gave him a hug and then said,

“Hey Ty,”


“I whooped your ass tonight.” I said laughing.

He smacked my butt laughing. “Hand off my ass.”

“Right!” He said bringing his hand up and running it over his hair.

I laughed and got in my car and rolled the window down.

“We are hanging out again soon!” he told me.

“Don’t get your hopes up!” I said winking at him.

He laughed and I drove away.


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