Chapter 3

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2 weeks later-

The past weeks were basically me crying and not doing much else. I went to visit my Nana’s grave once since I wasn’t there for being put in it.

By now I was starting to feel a little better. Ty was picking me up tonight at 8 for a date to get my mind off things

I straightened my hair and put on a pair of high waisted tribal print shorts and a neon orange oversized sweater on.

I was ready to have fun with my boyfriend tonight and forget everything. Yes, boyfriend!

I texted Ty:

Me: so when do you want me to pick you up?

Ty: Actually, that won’t be necessary.

Me: what?

Ty: *picture of black truck*

Me: Ty! Did you get a car?!

All of a sudden my bedroom door opened.

“Yep.” Ty smiled. He was wearing a navy hollister polo, cargo shorts, and sneakers. He was holding flowers.

I smiled and went over and gave him a hug and kiss as he handed me the flowers.

Tonight is going to be good.

We got in his new car. It was really nice, I’m happy that he got one!

“So where to?” I asked.

“You’ll see.”

About 30 minutes later we pulled into a dirt parking lot. The area was completely empty and we are surrounded by trees. You would not be able to even tell that we are so close to the charlotte. The sun was just starting to go down.

He got out and covered my eyes.


“Hold on.”

We walked for about 3 minutes when he uncovered my eyes.

**If possible play the song Adorn by Miguel right now**

Oh my god… this is…

“Beautiful…” was all I could say.

We were at Lake Norman. On a dock there was a blanket with candles and a picnic basket overlooking the gorgeous lake. The sky was a pink/purple color because of the setting sun. There was speakers playing soft R&B and Hip-Hop songs. Right now it was playing ‘Adorn’ by Miguel, which was our song.



I officially have the best boyfriend.

All I could do is turn around and smile at him.  I got on my tip toes and kissed him.

Why is he so nice to me?

“You like it?” he smiled laughing.

I just rolled my eyes. Was he serious? Of course I did. I loved it!

Wes sat down on the blanket. He pulled out 2 fancy little Sandwiches and a bottle of champagne.

“Thank you so much for all of this.”

“Nah, its nothing. You deserve it. You’ve been through some tough shit lately.”

At that, I raised my glass of Champagne and drank, and he did too.

After eating dinner and one bottle of champagne-drank mostly by me-later we sat there talking.

I’m not sure why I said what I said next, maybe it was the alcohol? I needed to tell him. I haven’t ever told anyone else but I can trust him right?

“Ty if I tell you something you can’t tell anyone else, ever. Ok?”

“Sure babe, anything.” He said concerned.

“Promise you won’t think less of me?”


 “I use to be bulimic.”

I said it. The words just came out like word vomit.

“When I was 13, I was bigger… not exactly fat or overweight but I was not skinny by any means. I weighed about 170…No guys liked me and the only way for me to be happy when I look in the mirror was to lose weight. Dieting and exercising never lasted so I just started making myself throw up. If I ate, I went to the bathroom and threw it back up. I got to the point where I wouldn’t even eat, but I would still throw up. When I was 15 I quit because I was happy with myself and was about 115. Which wasn’t to healthy considering I was 5’9”. Now I’m 127.”

He just stared at me and then looked down.

Shit. What did I just do? I just fucked up! He probably thinks I’m a suicidal freak now! Damn it! What if he breaks up with me?

“Ty I’m sorry maybe I shouldn’t have told you… Sorry.”

I got up. Maybe we should just go home. He probably hates me now. I started walking towards his truck.

A hand grabbed my arm spinning me around and pushing me gently into a tree.

Ty kissed me. The kiss was sweet, but why? I assumed he hated me but now he is making out with me?

He pulled away a couple inches and looked me in the eye.

“Alison, you can trust me. I don’t think any less of you. Im just upset that no one ever told you how beautiful you are. Please don’t do that too yourself again, you are perfect.”

I smiled and resumed our kissing.

What did I do for a guy to be this good to me?

After our little confession/make-out session we went home.

Another perfect day with Tyler.


The following evening we made plans with Jordan and her boyfriend Aaron and my other fiend Chloe and her boyfriend Nathan to go bowling. I figured it was time for Ty to meet my friends and maybe make some guy friends!

 When we got there we walked in and found my friends.

“Hey!” I greeted them with hug, I hadn’t seen them in forever! I felt a little guilty, I had been spending so much time with Ty.

My friends were really pretty. Jordan had Light brown straight hair that went down to her chest. She was about 5’6. She wore a pair of jean shorts and a plain gray v-neck. Aaron, Her boyfriend, was the star of the football team. He was tan and had dark hair.

Chloe on the other hand had Bright red hair. She wore a blue dress. She was only about 5’3. Her boyfriend, Nathan, was also on the football team and happened to be Aarons best friend. He had light hair.

“So this is Ty… my boyfriend. He moved here a couple months ago from Georgia.” He smiled at my 2 friends and did they guy handshake/hug thing.

We went and started a game.

“So, you play any football?” Aaron asked Ty.

“Yeah actually I used to play in Georgia.”

“What position?”

“Wide Receiver.”

“Sweet, we need a good receiver, maybe you will think about joining!” Nathan jumped in

“Yeah man!”

“Cool we have our first practice Thursday maybe you can come check it out and talk to coach about joining.”

“Sweet! Thanks man!”

I smiled. I’m glad my friends are getting along.

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