Chapter 3

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Rosie's pov

I woke up to the sound of my best friend Emily shaking me until I got out of bed. "Wake up sleepy head! Today is your big day, come on, you have to get your make up done soon!"

I quietly moaned, hoping this day would never arrive, the day I get married to Harry, the day I live all my nightmares. I slowly place my feet and the cold tiled ground and walk over lazily to the kitchen to eat my yummy breakfast of bacon and eggs that Emily made for me.

The delicious aroma fills the air as I walk closer to the kitchen, soon a scent of mouth watering bacon hits my face as I walk into the kitchen. While I slowly eat my breakfast. Emily wouldn't stop talking on how I would look gorgeous walking down the aisle in my white elegant wedding dress. It seemed like she completely forgot that I was getting married to my ex-boyfriend who I no longer like.

A few minutes pass and I hear a knock on the door. Emily and I quickly runs over to the door and are pulled in by a tight hug from my mother and I notice a lady holding a huge bag standing next to her. I look at the clock thinking it's so early because it feels like it's 7am, but it's already 9.

Before I know it I'm sitting in a chair with hundreds of different make up products laid out in front of me. My hair and make up person smiles and introduces herself to me, her name is Sarah and I find out that she is one of Harry's family friends, great, I don't like her already. She didn't seem quite nice to me, but she showed me how she was going to do my makeup, but wow, her skills are amazing and it looked beyond gorgeous.

Some hours pass and I'm still sitting in my chair, waiting patiently to see my finished look when all of a sudden Emily and I stop talking as our stomachs make a loud rumbling sound at the same time, telling us that it's lunch.

"I'll be right back with your favourite food!" Emily yells out as the front door closes behind her. I feel quite happy because she has made me forget that I'm getting married to the guy I hate, that's why I love her as my best friend so much!

Half an hour later Emily comes running in with my favourite food, pizza! We eat it very daintily and carefully as I am still getting my make up done. Mmmmmmm, the smell of pizza fills the air and makes my mouth water as I take my first bite. In no time we finish all the pizza and my makeup is finally done!

Sarah slowly turns my chair around to reveal myself staring into my beautiful reflection of my face. I can't believe this is even me! I look so perfect!

"Hurry up! Stop staring at yourself! We don't have all day!" Sarah blurts out as she spins my chair back around, she's exactly like Harry, no wonder their families are friends.

After a few hours, my curls looked gorgeous and flowed over my shoulders perfectly. My sister Charlotte bursts in through the door and runs up to me, giving me the largest smile I've ever seen on her face. "I can't believe it! My little sister is getting married!" She said while giving me a tight squeeze while I felt a drop of water dripple down my shoulder. "I'm so sorry, I'm going to mess up your hair," she said while sniffing and letting go off me with a huge smile on her face.

"Come on, lets go get your stunning wedding dress on you!" She said as she pulled me towards my room. I shut the door silently behind me and slipped on my elegant wedding dress. Soon everyone came bursting through to see how I looked. Everyone started gasping and staring at me like I was so perfect, that they couldn't believe their eyes. Emily zipped the back up for me while Charlotte fixed the vale. Emily started jumping up and down,

"Oh my gosh you look so beautiful!" Emily screamed,

"You look gorgeous as always sweety!" My mum exclaimed.

"My little sister is getting married!!" Charlotte screamed.

"Come on it's time to go," my mom said sighing at Charlotte.

Harry POV

I stood at the altar for what felt like hours until everyone stood up and music started playing softly in the background, I watched as Rosie walked down the aisle with her fathers arm linked in hers.

She look gorgeous! Her dress hugged her small figure and her curled hair gently swayed with every step she took, I couldn't help but smile at my soon to be wife.

I had always loved Rosie and I was so excited when I found out that I was getting married to her but I tried to hide it. My heart shattered into a million pieces when we broke up, I didn't want to lose her, all because of my stupid mistake. As soon as we broke up, I realised how much I loved her, how much I needed her in my life. She was the one for me. The one I wanted to grow old with and spend my days with. I couldn't show her that I loved her though, she hated me to bits, so I played along and acted like I didn't care about her, even though she was my everything.

I was brought back to reality when Rosie stood infront of me looking down at the ground. I took her hands in mine and it felt so right, her small fragile hands laid gently against mine and her warmth sent butterflies to my stomach. I gently gave her hands a comforting little squeeze, trying to tell her everything's was going to be alright. All of a sudden I felt her hands slowly slip out of mine, she gave me a confused look.

"Harry! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" She whispered under her breath, only loud enough for me to hear.

Suddenly I felt the fake me come back, the one that has to pretend to hate her. I slowly whispered like a mouse to her, "I did that because otherwise our guests will know something's not right, we have to look in love remember?" I think I got away with it because after that she gave me a slight smile, love filling her eyes, it all looked so real to me, yet I knew she was just faking it and hiding the hatred she had for me behind it, trying to look like she was enjoying this day.

My heart had broken into a million pieces and felt like it was being stomped on and I tried my hardest to hold back the tears that were threatening to roll down my face.

Thank you guys so much for reading we hope you guys like it! Love you all. :)


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