Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

Eight weeks! Eight whole weeks Rosie has been gone. I have tried calling, texting and e-mailing her but she never replies. I haven't slept in weeks. I can't bear the thought that she's not here. Every night I walk into her room, or what's left of it, she has taken everything. All that's left is the bed, tv and drawers.

Photos of her are all over the tabloids and papparazzi are constantly camped outside my house trying to ask me questions about our relationship. I just want to scream at the top of my lungs. I miss her so much, I need her, without her, it's like me trying to live with no air, I need her back in my life, and I'm determined to make it happen.

I constantly have the tv on live as I watch what happens over at where Rosie is staying. Lately no one has heard or seen from her. I was Begining to get worried when my phone rung

Rosie's POV

I woke up at 10:30 with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I've never felt this sick in my whole life and before I know it, I'm rushing to the bathroom about to vomit. For the past two weeks, every morning I have to run to the bathroom and I vomit whatever was in my stomach, at first I though it was the flu until it wouldn't go away and it got worse as they days go by. I clean myself up, but then find myself feeling weak and light headed. I yell out for Ella and she sprints upstairs to my bathroom.

"Oh my god! Rosie! Are you alight, what happened, do you feel ok!?" She asked worryingly.

"Ella, wha-what if there's a chance that I'm really pr-pregnant?" I ask her, my voice shaking, trying to swallow the uncomfortable lump in my throat.

Ella's POV

"Oh my god! Rosie, how long has this been going on for! We need to go to the pharmacy now, I thinks, you're really pr-pregnant," I manage to spit out in shock.

Rosie face dropped in shock. "What the hell do I do Ella, I'm 20 and I'm pregnant with a baby that's Harry's!!! How the hell do I tell him I'm having his child, because of a drunk mistake that took place, what the hell is happening to my life!?!"

"Rosie, screaming won't help, let's go about this calmly and go to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test to see if you really are, and if you are, and it's not just the flu, I'll be here with you every step of the way," I said giving her a friendly hug, reassuring her that she can count on me.

Rosie's POV

I was still half in shock that I may be pregnant, but Ella kept me calm, everything was going to be alright, and she was making sure of it. She told me to stay at home while she quickly ran to the pharmacy to buy some pregnancy test to see if im pregnant.

I was anxious, waiting for her to get back. Soon the door flung open with Ella running through it.

"I got it! Quickly, go check if you're pregnant!" She replied in a shaky voice.

I grabbed the pack and ran to the bathroom. I did everything that the instructions told me to, and soon, it would tell me if I'm pregnant. I waited anxiously for a few minutes that felt hours long. I paced back and forth in my bathroom, trying to pass time. I was silently praying that I wasn't pregnant with Harry's baby, I just couldn't be. That would mean I would have to stay with him, not for me, but for my child, so that it could have a proper family.

"Uh ohhhhhh" I said out loud, two red strips showed up on the test. N-no, no, it couldn't be, I got out another one and tried again, and not to my luck, it turned out positive again.

"Ella..... Come here..." I said in an uncertain voice.

She was right through the door faster than lightning.

"Ella I-I'm pregnant." I told her like I was lost in my own world, a stunned look left on both our faces.

I dropped to the ground and wrapped my arms around my legs as the tears rolled down my checks,

"I think you should go back to Harry's, he should know that he's gonna be a father, your child needs a father to be there for him or her when they are born," Ella said as she helped me up.

I walked back into my room and started to pack my suitcase when I ran back to the bathroom to vomit agian, I walked back to the room to finish packing.

I waved goodbye to Ella as she drove away, I slowly walked to the front door and was about to knock when the door flung open. Harry ran to me and wrapped his arms around me, I stood there until he let go. He took my bags from me and walked inside, I can't believe he hugged me! Maybe he knows that I'm pregnant.

"Would you like a coffee?" Harry asked as he rummeged through the cupboards.

"No thank you," I tried so hard not to look at him, I quickly ran up the stairs and locked myself inside the bathroom. I quickly pulled out my phone and called Ella,

"I can't do this, I can't have his baby," I whispered as soon as she picked up,

"Calm down," She yelled over my cries, I heard the faint sound of footsteps but i chose to ignore it,

"I want to get an abortion, I just can't have the baby, I have to get it aborted," I replied back in a shaky voice. I quickly covered my mouth when I heard footsteps outside the door. DID HARRY HEAR!?

Harry's POV

I walked past the bathroom and I could hear rosie talking to someone but I couldn't make out what she was saying. I thought it was best to leave, since she ran away earlier. I walked away slowly hoping that she would come out and I would be able to talk to her, minutes passed but she didn't come out.

Suddenly, the door flung open and a snapped my head around and gave her a warm smile,

"Hey, everything alright?" I asked lovingly.

"Um, yeah, everything's ok," she said in an uneasy and not sure tone.

"You sure?" I asked again as I began to notice that her hands were shaking and she had tear stains down her cheeks. "You know I'm always here for you, you can always talk to me."

She gave me a nod and said to me, "don't worry, I'm fine Harry," she gave me another smile that didn't convince me and walked away to her room.

"Wait, Rosie!" I called out to her and ran down the hallway, she stopped and turned around with her red eyes, telling me she was crying hard.

"Yes Harry?" She said sweetly in her fragile voice.

"Rosie, I have to ask you something, but please be honest with me, it's really important," I said to her, worried that this night wouldn't end up well.


Do you think she is going to tell him?

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