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Hello guys!

So you may be wondering, where is the update?  Why haven't you updated in a while? Well, Here's the thing, I may not update..... At all.  That is what this is about!  I wrote this story almost a year ago..... I have improved as a writer since then.  Now that I look back at this story I realise how cliche and how bad the writing really is.  I mean, I feel like if this story was a walkway, you wouldn't be able to take a step without falling into a plot hole.   Speaking of plot, There really was one... anyways, I will let you guys decide the fate of this old fanfiction. Should it stay or should it go?

I created this poll so you can decide... 

I want to thank all of you guys for reading this story no matter what happens, THANK YOU ALL <3

Queen Fia

Honey has a sister (Ohshc x reader)Where stories live. Discover now