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Tyler's POV

boy was today one of the shittiest days of my life. why? my mom left me my dad, my brothers Zach and jay, as well as my sister Madison. why she left us I ate thing I haven't found out yet. all I know is last night mom and dad were yelling at each other and I heard things break and after a good thirty minutes I heard a door slam and it was silent. it wasn't a comfortable silence, it was violently quiet. you wouldn't understand unless you knew my family and how our house hold was and is. my father has been gone since 6am my brothers are in college and my sister is in school. and I am home. I was supposed to be in school as in my mother home schooled me for certain reasons. I lay in bead leather not book next to me wide open with my own next to it. I started writing a poem. I m not sure if I want it to be a song or not but in the mean time I'm just looking for a name to call this poem/song. I was about to got to the bathroom when I heard a knock at the door. I run down the stairs and open the door. a pink haired boy with brown eyes with bags under them was standing there. he looks my age.
"uh hi?"
"yea um is Tyler uh.."he looked down at his clipboard he was holding them looked up.
"Tyler Joseph right?"
"yea um so it seems you parents signed you up for a music summer camp. and we are here to pick you up. "
"What?! a summer camp? my mom has never told me about a summer camp no no no no. "

" hey, it's not a summer camp unless it's summer just music camp. if I'm being honest we really just swim in the lake eat food and well you know play music. but anyway, if you want we can come back in thirty minutes?"

"that's fine if you don't mind me asking how long am I going to be there?"

"you are signed up to be with us for.. three and a half months."
"okay. yea okay um can you make it just twenty minutes? that's all I need. thanks."I said calmly as I could. trying to not scream right then and there.

i said bye to the man and ran to my room so i could scream into my damn pillow and hate my life more than i did already. i sighed and got up grabbing. my duffle bag shoving clothes inside along with my toothbrush, tooth paste, shampoo etc.

he took his black headphones and his leather book with the tiny "T" engraved in the corner shoving it into the back pack he grabbed. he continued to shove his charger and portable charge just in case he needed it. he went back down stairs and grabbed his ukulele he left lying on the counter earlier and put in his backpack. that was the only thing he didn't shove in to his back pack because he actually cared about it. well he cared about his book to but not as much as his uke. he continued on to sit on the couch downstairs and loathe his existence while he waited for the bus to come back again.  five minutes later Tyler's phone went off and he looked down.  hey ty i am so sorry. I forgot to tell you about the camp. I know your mother would have wanted you togo I understand that you are mad at her.  I agreed to this camp just as much as she did. so for me can you please go? be safe love you. after he had received  this message he kinda felt bad about being mad now. his dad started working to jobs to get food on the table and clothes one here backs. he
managed to get a job within that small amount of time that Tyler's mother left. I turned off his phone as he geard the buss honk outside. he grabbed his duffle bag and back pack taking it outside with him remembering to lock the door behind him. as soon as he walked out he bumped into the boy from earlier.
"what the hell? oh my god I'm so so sorry" when Tyler bumped into him he had fell over. tyler stuck it his hand to help him up and the boy who's name he did not know hesitantly took his hand to get up.
"I-I'm sorry. it's ok. let me help you with your bag"
"no! sorry no just take the duffle for me? please?"
Tyler did not want him to touch his backpack only because of what he had inside. but he had spoken too late.  when the boy  grabbed his back pack it  ripped at the bottom where there was old sewing already. all of his possessions fell onto the floor. Tyler stood there astonished. that was the only backpack he ever used once ninth grade. it had ripped three times his mother was always there to fix it but she wasn't here this time.
"oh no.  it's all my fault I shouldn't have even walked out here. I'm sorry I really am can I help you? I-I can sew it. if it makes you feel better I'll sew it"
"y-you know how to sew? can you do it now?"
Tyler was still surprised with this boy. within a minute he's bumped into him ,he's been irritated with him, and has been intrigued by this boy.
"you know what? it's fine. I'll just get another bag and put my stuff in there. I'll go get it right now but please just don't touch anything."
"ok. "
the boy continued to stand there. waiting. he looked down and seen a few things that interested him. but since he himself was interested in the boy he didn't touch anything because he didn't want to break any trust between them. even if they've haven't had an actual decent conversation. he thought the boy with a light blue flower crown on his head was a little cute. only a little. a minute later Tyler came back down with a small gray duffle bag and began to pick his stuff up. Josh wanted to help but he thought he should lay off since Tyler seemed to grab anything in a way that seemed like only he touched those items.
"sorry about that again. m-my names Josh by the way. "
"well you already know my name is Tyler" tyler said making a face that looked like the one you make when you see a stranger walk past you. Josh stuck out his hand for Tyler to shake. he shook his hand gently seeming hesitant to even touch Josh's hand. not in way that seemed like he didn't like Josh but in a way that made it seem like he might be a germaphobe. Tyler threw his now ripped backpack into the house re locking the door. Tyler and Josh walked to the bus. seeming as no one really cared what was going on. he just sat down in an empty seat.
"hey Tyler I'm I-I was sitting there can I just sit next to you then? if you don't mind of course. "
was all Tyler said simply scooting over not minding it since he was sorta tiny anyway.
"Hey I seen a ukulele when you dropped your things. Do play?"
"Of course i play why else would i have it?"
the bus ride is still going on after two hours. tyler fell asleep with his headphones in. while josh sat there trying not to stare at Tyler's face while he slept calmly.

Horrible i know but i tried sorry if there was any typos <3

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