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Tyler's Pov (btw they look like Dis in the story)

i woke up facing the wall and i was going to pull the blanket back onto my body but then i realized the blanket wasnt there... i turned around to see WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK JOSH IS IN MY BED FUKFUKFUK. NONONONONO. HOLY SHIT HES SO CUTE BUT AHHH FUCK I HAVE TO ACT LIKE THIS IS WEIRD SO HE DOESN'T FIND OUT I'M GAY BUT LIKE DAYUUUUM HE'S SO CUTE I'M CRYING. OK FUK ACT COOL. SHIIIIIT.
"hey um josh whatcha doing?"
"huh? oh s-sorry i-i don't know what happened i-i was having a-a bad dream and i w-was scared and i was gonna ask i swear! but i didn't want to wake you and so i just laid here... y-yea. I'm r-really sorry." josh sighed and hid his face behind his hands. I just thought he was embarrassed till i heard him sob. Did I make him cry?
"Josh? Hey its ok just wake me up next time yea? I won't get mad. Promise. We can even put our beds together? How 'bout that?"

"T-that w-would b-be s-sick. W-we s-should go eat breakfast I'm h-hungry."

I would question why he's hungry so fast but at least he's not crying. I said ok to Josh and he said to meet him outside in a few so I could change. I didn't notice I was wearing my clothes from yesterday until Josh mentioned it. i wonder why he started crying...


Stupid. Stupid. stupid! he probably thinks your a worthless idiot
your right I'm an idiot! i can't do things right! I was about to leave Tyler there when the cabin door opened.

"Josh? Are you ok?"

"Um yea why?"

"because your talking to yourself and your standing in a puddle with no shoes on."

"Oh. I didn't I-I didn't know. I-I didn't-"


Josh started panicking his breathing became short breaths hot tears slipping out. Tyler ran to him almost slipping.

"Josh its ok. Calm down. Its ok Josh. Shhh your fine just breathe."

Tyler breathed in and out as an example for Josh. Josh breathed how Tyler was showing him slowly calming down. Tyler took Josh inside the cabin and told him to lay down and relax. Tyler hugged josh and told him to just lay here for a little bit while Tyler went to get water for him. Tyler walked to the cafeteria looking for water. Tyler bumped into brendon.

"Hey Tyler! Need help?"

"Yea actually I do um so Josh had a panic attack. And uh I was wondering where the water was?"

"Oh no. No no. He had a panic attack?! He's been good for so long what happened?" Brendon had a worried look on his face while he led Tyler to where the water was. Tyler explained everything to brendon which wasn't very much. Brendon walked back to the cabin with Tyler.

When Tyler and brendon walked into the cabin Josh wasn't there. Tyler dropped the glass cup full of water out of his hand. He almost wanted to cry but then he remembered. The forest. He ran behind the cabins and into the forest to see Josh on the floor.
Was that a cliff hanger?? Idk. But yeaaa.

Down In The Forest~JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now