The Red Dress

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#1 draft. Published 25/07/2016

^the picture above is the closest image I was thinking of for Bea's dress^

Beatrice's POV

After my sudden out burst in chemistry I head towards the cafeteria for lunch. Waiting in our usual spot was Ollie, as me Rebecca walked over with our trays. Rebecca had only asked me briefly what happened with Warren and I didn't go into the depth that she would have liked because even talking about that idiot gave him the attention he wanted so I decided against.

We sat down around the small table and we were chatting about Rebecca's crush on Jamie. She was absolutely gorgeous and could probably get anyone she wanted but she was so oblivious to her own perfection that she kept boys at arms-length most of the time despite their constant efforts to get close to her.

After finishing my sloppy lunch I head over to return my tray but am briefly interrupted when long, slender fingers wrapped around my wrist and dragged me into the corridor. Once I turn around, I recognise the red lips and bronze curls, it's Amy, Warren's girlfriend.
"Is there something going on between you and Warren?!" She whines. I have no idea how she could possibly think that, but she is also standing very close to me with an intense glare,
"No of course not!" I begin, "why the hell would you think that?" I didn't even know that she knew I existed. She steps back and relaxes very slightly.
"He brought up your name a lot this lunch...but whatever," she mutters, then she regains her perfect posture, flicks her curls behind her shoulder and struts off.

What the hell? Did I really bother Warren that much? I may have been a tad harsh but I didn't think that anyone could get under his skin.

I walk back into the cafeteria feeling a bit confused and Ollie and Rebecca are staring at me questioningly with open mouths. I walk back over and explain what she had said to me.

"Bloody hell, Bea! What have you gotten yourself into?!" Ollie asks,
"I really don't know," I answer absentmindedly.


The rest of the day goes by fairly quickly as I'm looking forward to clubbing with Becca this evening as its Friday. She's 18 already so can get into clubs but I'm still 17 so she has to use her charm to get me in.

I get home and change into a tight fitting, short, red, cleavage-showing dress... Don't judge me: it's the best way to get in.

I'm about to get into my Honda to drive to pick up Becca when I get a text from my older brother, Will:

Hey B, please can you be the best baby sister in the world and bring my Xbox controller over to: 21 Staples drive, Lenton.

My brother is a bit of a geek and still obsesses over games at 21 but I am actually the best baby sister in the world so I rummage through his dirty, smelly room to find the controller and head towards the address.

When I arrive, it's a large, modern house with the side-garage door swung open. I wobble towards the house in my ridiculously high heels and ring the door bell. As soon as the door swings open my scruffy but handsome older brother stands there waiting for me. He grins at me, showing all of his teeth. He wraps me up into a brief bear hug and takes the controller from my hand. He then shoots back upstairs like an excited 9 year old and I shout into the house after him,
"Your welcome!" And I hear his laughter concoct with the sound of his feet heavy on the stairs.

Me and my brother have always been close as we have had to face many tribulations together and his humour means that I never go a day without smiling. He has always been the first one to step up and protect me from anything and everything. Although he's at Uni most of the time, I see him as a friend, just as much as he is a brother. Even though he's a dïck sometimes.

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