On the Edge

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#1 draft. Published 25/07/2016

Beatrice's POV

Needless to say: I am pissed.

This morning I woke up feeling good, as good as it is possible for me to feel at 6:30am. But while I was enjoying a delightful breakfast of bagels and banana I got an unexpected call from my Father.

In a conversation that I quickly ended, my Father, other wise known as Mike Wakefield, told me that he would be moving to Spain with his new gold-digger girlfriend, Cindy. He also called me Beatrice, so he obviously thinks it's a very serious matter. I abruptly hung up, not feeling in the mood to hear his bullshit excuses, I doubt he really cared, he probably just felt obligated and wanted to say goodbye for good.

So I dumped my bagel in the bin, no longer in the mood for nutritious/delicious food. I then slung my backpack over my shoulder and stalked out the door without saying goodbye to my Mother, otherwise known as Sarah Wakefield.

So, at this precise moment I am slumping towards school, the last place I want to be right now, with a distorted scowl planted onto my face. The rain is slightly trickling down and is forming droplets on my hair and eyelashes and making my shoes a bit soggy, I would normally love this but obviously not very helpful for my mood right now.

Once I enter the school my surroundings also don't do wonders to make me feel better. The paint is chipping on all the walls and dented lockers and every single person that I walk past manages to irritate me just by looking at me.

It may surprise anyone who encounters me now to learn that I'm normally quite a happy person and have quite a positive outlook on life, but everyone has their off days.

When I walk up to my locker my two best friends are already waiting for me.

Rebecca: a tall, blonde, elegant, funny, sweet, popular girl who has been loyal to me since I offered her a cookie at lunch when we were 7. Right now, the fact that she was so perfect made me bitter.

Then my other best friend, Ollie: a partially nerdy but fairly attractive guy with olive skin and black curls and a big build. One of the things that initially attracted me to Ollie was that we had a shared love of music and literature. Me and Rebecca gravitated towards him as soon as we met him at age 13. 4 years later and I couldn't imagine my lives without them.

"Oh shit, she looks like she's about to backhand someone," Ollie says to Becca without tearing his eyes from me and chuckling.
"What happened Bea?" Becca soothes, while cocking her head and letting beautifully curled pieces of hair fall to the side.
"Nothing, my Dad's just intolerable sometimes," I grind out, desperate to avoid the subject but while also trying to stop myself from spewing endless abuse about him. Rebecca opens her mouth, about to reply but is cut short when the bell rings for first period. History, fücking wonderful.

"Come on, grumpy-pants", Ollie coaxes while draping his arm over my shoulders and guiding me towards our history room, at least I have this lesson with him, it almost makes it bearable.

However, as we walk through the hoards of teenagers in the too-small corridor someone's hard shoulder catches mine and knocks me onto the floor. I drop all my books and make a sort of ughhhhh sound.

While gathering my stuff a deep voice sounds from above me,
"You should watch where you're going," Warren Mason purrs as I look up at him and he towers over me, and before I have a moment to understand who I'm talking to or what I'm saying I blurt out,
"I don't know whether you have the mental capacity to understand this but it does actually take two objects to cause a collision," I almost clap a hand over my mouth in shock but continue to stare at him venomously. A look of shock flashed over his godlike face but then he just smirks and walks away.

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