She Should... or not?????

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I didn't expect this from him. He proposed me to marry Aditya. Well,I didn't knew Aditya but heard a lot about him. But I didn't want to marry. I wanted to live my life alone..taking care of my father,enjoying my do some social work. To make my life special. Moreover I lost my trust on men.

Though it had been five years, I still remember how much I loved him and what I got in return.

" Papa I am returning Dehradun tomorrow. " I told aloud. In the breakfast table the next day....biting my toast .
"Why ?" He was surprised...
"Then stop asking for my marriage." I was done with this...
" But Aditi ,why don't u want? OK,tell me do u already have someone? "He asked taking my two hands in his...
" No papa, not like that..."I blushed. It was true that I didn't have relationship....but...I couldn't forget Ravi .That eyes...that manlyness ...I couldn't forget.
"Just meet him once..." He suggested...
I sighed.

I heard about him. Aditya was a brilliant officer in department. He was assistant director. And was one of the most talented officers. I heard all these... I was not interested in it. I frowned at papa
"What is his surname by the way????"
"Roy." He looked happy as he thought me interested in it.
"Bengali????" I asked...
"Yes..born there but brought up in Mumbai ."
"I see... But are you sure he wanna marry me ?" I questioned.
"He is single."
"Then what the hell he was doing with Sara at 12.30??????? "
"May be official meeting..."
I found a clean defending attitude in papa.. I shrugged and went to my room slamming the door.

I sat on my bed. My intention wasn't to find negative sides in Aditya. In fact I can understand their secrecy of work. I just wanted to discourage papa.
Why didn't he understand that I was happy...why he had so many problems with my happiness !!!!!! I was feeling chocked... Probably I had become a burden for him.

But why???? Why should I stay alone?? Just because I was cheated ? I too had right to be happy..and moreover I hated Ravi.
Then why I should suffer ?

But his memories killed me from inside..specially the way he cheated...
Ohh god!!!! Why just I couldn't move on??? Why ?????

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