Welcome to Fairy Tail!

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I walk up to the guild. Sancta Excremento! (Holy shit) It was big, and as I opened the doors, I noticed it was very loud and smelled like dragons. My exceed, Amicus Volans, was flying beside me. I tug at my scarf.
"Do you really want to join this guild, N/N? I think it's too loud." He complains. I sigh and pat my shoulder. He knew I'd let him lay on my shoulder for a while. He lays down and sighs a relief. He feel right asleep. We walk in, and I heard a table coming.
"Informem veniat gladius ad opus! (Shocking sword come to my need.)" I shout. I sliced in half. I put it away with a smirk. I look at the waitress who was passing out drinks.
"Is your master here? I would like to join this sad choice of a guild." I smile. Amicus woke up from his mini nap and looked around. He didn't look happy.
"N/N, why can't I ever get a good rest before you start another battle." Amicus complains again. He decides that being on my shoulder right now wasn't a very good idea and just flys by my shoulder. They look at Amicus and back at me.
"What did you brats do now?!" Someone roared. I look to see a short man. He looked like a little elf, and the whole guild looks afraid of him. They all point at me with fear in there eyes; I sniffed. Yep, I can smell their fear and dragonslayers.
"So, what do you need? Are you here to join Fairy tail?" He asks. I smile as sweetly as I could. Well, no shit Sherlock. I just came to say hi. (Sarcasm Noted) I forced on a smile, so I can make a good impression, but sooner or later they will know the smartass part of me.
"Yes, My name is F/N. This is my exceed and best friend Amicus Volans. I am a water dragon slayer, and my father is Golad, the water dragon." I say. They looked at me with disbelief.
"Alright prove it! I challenge you to a fight." The pink haired one yells. Amicus saw the blue exceed and smiles at him. I look in my bag and gave him a fish to snack on because knowing him, he'll be asking sooner or later.
"Go say hi to him, but don't fight him unless he says something insulting, Kay?" I tell him. He nods his head with his fish still in his mouth; it flopped around like crazy. I laugh and scratch behind his ears. He was such a child sometimes. He flew over to the blue exceed and talked. He smiles and gives me a thumbs up.
"Okay, now that Amicus is out of danger. Draco Sonitus Aquarum! (Water dragon roar.") I yell catching him off guard. I run towards him and give him a upper cut. I didn't always want to use my water magic, so Golad taught me some kick ass moves. He was knocked out by the time I laid my second punch. I look back at the master. The waitress walks to me with a stamp.
"Where do you want your guild mark? Oh, and Amicus will need one too. I'm MiraJane by the way." Mira says. I really got to start knowing names. I point to the left side of my neck. There she stamps my blue guild mark. Amicus was black, so he got a white guild mark on his back. I mess with my scarf that Golad got for me. It usually meant I was thinking or worried. Golad had also given Amicus a dagger to help. It is slung on his back; he never takes it off or leaves it behind. The pinky came up to Amicus and me.
"Hey, N/N and Amicus. I'm Natsu Dragneel and this is my buddy Happy." Natsu tells me. I smelt burnt toast and toasted marshmallows.
"Fire dragonslayer I'm guessing?" I ask. He looked shocked. Golad taught me that a dragons greatest quality was its nose, so smelling their magic was easy. Every magic has a different smell.
"Y-yes! How'd you know that? Oh! What's Gajeel's type? Or Wendy's? Can you guess Laxus's?" He bombarded me with questions. I tried to tell who he was talking about, but I have been living in the woods for about six years. I don't know who the damn he was talking about. He ran and grabbed three people; he pushed two boys and a small girl towards me. One boy had long black hair and a creepy look in his eyes, his exceed was like a panda really; the other boy had short blond hair with blue eyes and a lightning shaped scar on one eye. The poor little girl had long blue hair and big blue eyes with a little white exceed by her, scolding Natsu.
"I'm sorry about Natsu dragging you guys over here. He just wants to see if I can guess your slayer magic like I did him." I explain. They nod. I walk up to the blue haired girl.
"Hi, I'm Wendy and This is Carla. You must be F/N ! Can I call you N/N?" Wendy says. She smelt like a summer breeze, a clear sky, and a clean hospital.
"I'm gonna say Sky magic and healing magic, and sure you can call me N/N, I don't mind a bit." I smile. She nods. Like I said, the nose is the best sense. I walk up to the black haired man. His exceed was so kawaii!
"Gajeel, this is Panther lily. Can you guess my dragon slayer magic?" Gajeel asks. Panther lily looks over at Amicus and Happy.
"You know Panther Lily, Amicus was really worried he wouldn't have someone to talk to here. Why don't you do say hi? You too Carla." I ask politely. Panther Lily and Carla smile. The fly up to my black furry friend, and I saw him grinning ear to ear. I love him so much. I smell Gajeel. He smells like new iron and cars.
"Iron dragon slayer, Gajeel?" I ask. He smiles and nods. I walk over who I thought was Laxus.
"Are you Laxus? You smell like a Lightning dragon slayer." I ask. He looks at me with a death glare. I gave one back. Wendy finally pulled me away from Laxus and to a couple of girls.
"N/N, this is Lucy, Levy, Juvia, and Erza." Wendy points at each of them. Erza looks at me with interest.
"What did you say when you cut that table? It sounded like something in Latin and when you shot Natsu with that attack." She asks. Golad taught me that Latin made my water attacks stronger. He also gave me Horrendum herba as a birthday gift.
"You mean Horredndum herba? It was a gift from Golad. And so was this scarf. The spell I used on Natu was just a water dragon roar. Latin makes my attacks stronger." I explain. I summon Horredndum herba and show them the sword. This was like Amicus's dagger but bigger really. They look at it in awe. Erza went to touch it, but I put it back away.
"So, you all know my magic. Tell me yours. I already know the dragon slayers magic. Even better show me." I ask. Erza changed her armor, Lucy summoned Leo the lion, Levy made the word water, which I ate, and Juvia did a water attack on me which I also ate. Juvia and Levy looked confused.
"Sorry, it looked tasty! Thanks for showing me!" I say. I hear a big crash. I saw Natsu fighting a shirtless wizard.
"Oi! N/N! A little help with pervert over here!" Natsu yells. I sigh and call Amicus. He flies over to me and the girls.
"N/N! The exceeds here are really nice! I'm really glad we joined!" I point to the boys. He nods. "Finally, I get to kick some butt!" He says. He turns into a more muscular Amicus and his dagger turned into a full blown sword like mine.
"Just break them up please." I tell him. He frowns because I usually let him go all out, but these were our new family. He grabs Natsu and throws him over to the bar and brings the other wizard to me.
"You're the newbie right? I'm Gray, and I think you've met the dragon slayers. Who's this guy though?" He asks. Amicus drops him and turns back to his 'cute' self. He flys over to me.
"Yes, I'm N/N and that was Amicus's battle form." I tell him. He smiles.
"I use ice maker magic." He explains. I nod. We could make a really good combo, but the stripper wasn't my kind of person. I like people that were quiet and mysterious.
"So what do you like to do?" Lucy asks. I turn around. I shrug.
"Well, I love playing with Amicus, singing, playing the electric guitar, and reading. I love to read; it will be the death of me one of these days." I say. Amicus snorts and mumbles 'nerd.' I roll my eyes. I flick the back of his head.
"You sing? Are you good? Will you sing for us?" Levy asks. I shrug. What harm could I do? The girls squeal and pull me over to MiraJane who was talking to what looks like a brother maybe? Amicus was flying right beside me.
"Mira! N/N is gonna sing for us! Is the mic working? Oh, that's Elfman by the way Mira's younger brother." Lucy says. Mira smiles and nods. What did I get my self into? I look at Amicus, and he chuckles. I was pushed on stage less than 5 minutes later.
"Yo! Shut up! N/N's gonna sing for us! And pay attention she doesn't do it often." Amicus yells. I mouth 'thank you' to him and walk up to the mic. Amicus flys and gives me my light blue electric guitar. I do the the opening chords of the song and start to sing.

"Now I'm scared to even open my mouth
Because there's something deep inside of me
You don't know about
And I wish there was a way you could see
If I could show maybe I'd know
If I'm a man or a beast

Just take one look in my eyes
You'd see right through my disguise
She says that when I'm nearby
That she can feel my every move
When I fell apart
Yeah, something changed in my heart
As you can tell from these scars
I'm not the man that you knew before

I found something that makes me feel alive
Yet somehow dead inside
It makes me feel
It makes me numb at once
It makes no sense
Yet it still helps me see
So am I soon to be the monster that I despise?

She thinks she's mine
She must be out of her mind
I said "get back" but she wants more
And now her body's on the floor
I've got this thing in my heart
I have to hide
It's eating at me from the inside

Just take one look in my eyes
You'd see right through my disguise
She says that when I'm nearby
That she can feel my every move
When I fell apart
Yeah, something changed in my heart
As you can tell from these scars
I'm not the man that you knew before

I found something that makes me feel alive
Yet somehow dead inside
It makes me feel
It makes me numb at once
It makes no sense
Yet it still helps me see
So am I soon to be the monster that I despise?"

I look up to see the whole guilds jaws drop. Oh stercore! Was I that bad? I hang my head until I hear cheering. I look up to see everyone liked it! I beam. Amicus flew towards me.
"You picked my favorite song! Nice!" Amicus says. We fist bump. I take a bow and walk off stage. Only to be ran over by Gajeel, Natsu, Wendy, Erza, Lucy, Gray, Pather Lily, and Happy. Happy saw Amicus and smiles. Panther Lily waves.
"Wow! Looks like Laxus owes me money! He thought you were going to make a fool of yourself up there." Gajeel grins. I felt Amicus tense. I know when he's tense when his magic grows a little. I scratch behind his ear, and he laid on my shoulder. He seemed pretty tired. Happy looked at Natsu.
"See? She lets Amicus take a nap on her shoulder! Why don't you ever let me!" Happy complains.
A/N: I hopped you liked it byyyeeeee. I really have nothing to say right now.
Oh, and stecore means shit. Oops.

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