So, Whatever

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I'm doing the stupid 50 questions thing at 4 am my time cuz insomnia's great

1 Ally (Obviously)
2 I'm 5'5
3 I'm a whopping 138 lbs. talk about a whale am I right
4 15 this year
5 April 2nd 2003
6 I'd probably have to say Saidekane12
7 Idk, Probably Devin but he's basically family
8 Does a crush on my girlfriend count lol
9 Yes. The love of my life is my gf right now. I hope to marry her after high school
10 Chicken Teriyaki all the way bb
11 Telling my gf to go to bed like 20 minutes ago
12 This one. A solid 3 months so far but we've known each other for three years now
13 Uh, 41%
14 Ice Blue
15 Food
16 Money Talk by bbno$
17 Fox
18 I'm Alright by Rynx
19 Yep
20 To marry my gf
21 Going to universal studios for the first time
22 U.S.
23 2 doggos, Golden retrievers
24 Yes this is the third time saying this
25 My art teacher has really helped blossomed my love for art. My middle school teacher hated my art style and wouldn't let me have free reign. My high school art teacher took my talent and added a shit ton on expensive art supplies and paints and showed me da wei
26 A douche named Alex. Seriously, that dude can burn in Hell for all I care
27 oOo boY heRe wE gO! My weight, my freckles, my chub, my thighs, the way I take to long in the bathroom, my handwriting, my voice, my art style, my hobbies, my eyes, my toes, my skin, my nails...shall I go on?
28 Actually, I took down that authors note but some readers will know that I did self harm and I still do in a different form instead of cutting. I hate the heat, so for helping me loose weight and self injure myself I go into the sauna, wear pants and sweatshirts in the summer, and take extremely hot showers
29 My gf, my doggos, Devin (brotherly), my mom, my friends, my readers, my followers
30 Nope
31 Strawberry blonde
32 Taken
33 I'm Alright by Rynx
34 Lossing the ones I love, being alone
35 Nada
36 Being alone, Being fat
37 Blue Exorcist
38 I really don't watch movies, but I'd have to say The Greatest Showman
39 Tokyo Ghoul re
40 Chicken Teriyaki
41 Skinny Pple
42 Aries
43 Not saying
44 Biting my nails
45 twin boys, younger
46 Ben and Garrett
47 I swim
48 Idk
49 idk, Being alive and being myself is pretty embarrassing
50 Surgeon sounds like fun. :)

K now I nominate pple to do this or whatever

Sorry guys no new add-ons but if you want some one shots I'll make a whole book dedicated to Fairy Tail oneshots if you d like.
Peace out

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