Chapter 10

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Your Point of view

I slipped my warm oversized grey sweater on and sat on the bed, staring blankly into the space. A shiver went running up and down my spine making me shudder and squeeze my eyes shut. My mind flouted back to that cursed night.

I flinched when I remembered the way he was looking me straight n the eyes while he ripped my clothes off. The way his dirty fingers touched the body parts that no one has ever touched. The memories of that night never work to fade.

I fluttered my eyes opened and noticed that I was now crying. Suddenly there was a loud knock on my door."May I come in?"Jason's voice asked.

I quickly sniffed up my cries and wiped my eyes with the sleeve of the sweater."Come in."I said weakly as my voice slightly cracked from crying.

I watched as the door was pushed open and Jason's figure came in the door way. He looked at me and stepped into my bedroom.

"Cessnel made some eggs and bacon for breakfast, you should come and eat."He says. I swallowed and looked down at my hands that were dropped into my laps. Ever since that thing happened I lost my appetite. I hardly even talk to people and I haven't been out util yesterday.

"Y/n, Cessnel told me that you ain't eatin' much. You can't be doing these things to yourself. Anorexia ain't attractive "He continued. I looked up at him.

"And why do you care?"He looked taken back by my tone and words but soon shook it off. He pursed his lips to the side and made his way to me.

"It's part of my job and plus starving yourself won't change anything from your past. You gotta pull your shit together and move on." And with that he went to the door and walked out.

I let out a loud breath. I really don't understand that boy. One minute his all nice and caring and then the next his a complete jerk, yet there is something that's telling me that he's hiding something from me.

Last night when he came home with the black eye and bleeding head I knew something has happened but then, why would he want to tell me about his life and what he does? It's not like he knows me. He only knows that my name is Y/n, that I'm Bryan's daughter and that I was raped.

I sighed and pulled myself out of my deep thought. I tend to think a lot sometimes even though I wasn't this type of girl before. I used to enjoy partying with friends and just being a wild free teenager, until my life was ruined and the most important thing was taken way from me.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm not afraid of Jason. When I first saw him there was a little voice that whispered to me that he's my guardian angel. I know it sounds cheesy but I feel safe around Jason even when he snapped at me last night.

Once again there was another knock on my door. I brushes the hair out of my face and walked to the door. Opening the door, it revealed Cessel with a plate of pancakes in her hands. She grinned at me sweetly.

"I just come to give you these delusion pancakes that I made only for you."She said handing me plate. I looked down at it and my belly suddenly started rumbling. Damn, pancakes were always my favorite.

"Alright, I'll go now."She turned around."Oh, and-"She turned back to face." Your father is talking to Jason on the phone now, you might wanna talk to him too."

"Okay."I breathed out. I placed the pancakes down on my nightstand and headed downstairs. I could already hear Jason's voice coming from the living as I walked down the hallway. I entered the living room and found Jason sitting on the sofa, with his phone pressed to his ear.

His gaze soon met mine. I mouthed 'Do you wanna talk to your father?' and pointed to the phone. I nodded my head yes.

"Um, okay Bryan. Y/n wants to talk to you." He said while keeping his eyes on me. I bit on my nails getting quite nervous. "Here you go."He said holding the phone up to me to take.

I glanced down at it and took it. As I pulled the phone out of his hand his soft big hand brushed against mine causing me to feel an unfamiliar strange feeling in my stomach.

I ignored it and pressed the phone to my ears."Hey Dad "

"Oh, princess. How you doing? Is everything alright? Is Jason being nice to you?"

"I'm fine dad and yes everything's alright, Jason's being nice."

"That's good angel. I'll be home soon and if anything happens and I'm not there you got Cessnel and Jason."

"I know."

"Aright princess, I need to end it 'cause I've got a meeting in five minutes. I love you angel, take care and bye."

"Bye."I muttered and hung up. I looked up at Jason and he was already staring at me.

"Jason's being nice?"He mocked me raising a brow and smirking. I rolled my eyes at his stupidness and gave him his phone back, harshly.

"I was lying though, you're a jerk."I said to him. By the look of his face he looked almost shocked at my words.

"Oh, really?" He questioned getting up from the sofa and standing in front of me. I crossed my arms over my chest and nodded.

"Well if you want me to be a jerk then I'll be one, baby girl."
Not feeling so good today 😔
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