The journey begins...

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He was sitting on the window sill . He had his headphones on and that was the only thing he required . Watching those two rain droplets race down the window , he unlocked his phone to change the song.
He wasn't an EDM fanatic. Acoustic was his thing.
He had no dark pasts. No family disputes. No lack of friends. No dyslexia. Nothing.
Just a desire to explore the world . To travel as much as he can.
He wanted to escape with his thoughts and dreams and live in the woods, close to the flora and fauna, with foliage all around.
But c'mon . That wasn't happening at all. Being the only child of your parents means being over-pampered. He was living the normal life of a high school based adolescent with big dreams . 
He was clueless about the things he was about to explore soon.


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