chapter- 7

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"Now come on seb, we should go. Hurry up." Archer said.
They rushed to their classroom. The physics period had already begun. The teacher was talking about momentum .
"The quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity is momentum. Write it down in your notebook." the teacher said.

Seb was still lost in the thoughts of the astral world. He was in his own world, the voices of the teachers seemed afar. He was sitting on the front desk and was pretending that he was listening .
Suddenly the teacher shouted. Ryan ! why are you sleeping in the class ? get up from there and sit on the front seat with Sebastian.
Ryan rolled his eyes and got up. Everyone turned their head towards Seb and started staring at him as if it was his fault that his partner was absent today.
"Yes , sit here, and Don't sleep in my class again." Teacher scolded .
Ryan paid no attention to what the teacher said. He threw his notebook on the desk and sat .
Seb avoided any eye contact with Ryan and tried to read the label on his notebook. "Okay that's not the physics notebook. It's probably his diary or something. " seb said to himself.

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