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Samantha's POV:

Another day of a school great, I wake up and basically start the usual morning routine of forcing myself out of bed. I lay out my clothes and turn to the bathroom, the open and close the door seven times.

My OCD takes over and I end up having to do that sequence again. I brush my teeth and hair and then walk out the door closing it seven times. I finally get downstairs and my older brother Ashton is already at the table eating breakfast.

"Hey Ash." I said grabbing a plate and sitting down. "What's up little sis." he said handing me some bacon and eggs but dividing them so they are close enough not to touch each other.
"Thanks." I say with a smile.

Ashton has always been good with keeping my secret of not being so normals, I always ask myself if I'm 'crazy' but my therapist says that it's such a subjective word and only is to used in extreme cases. I'm not an extreme case, so she thinks.

It's 7:30 and I leave for school and say by to Ashton on my way out. I rarely see my mom and dad they are usually working. I get into my car and press the radio button, music soon fills my ears and I'm off to school.

When I finally arrive I get out of my car and spot my friends I lock my car four times and adjust my seat three times. None of my friends know I have OCD and I would like to keep it that way.

When I reach my friends Audrey and Maggie i see that they are laughing about something. "Hey guys, what's so funny?" I ask. "Do you remember that goth kid in 7th grade Michael Clifford?" She laughs. "No?" I say oblivious to who Michael Clifford is. "Anyway, Luke and Anthony just tied him up in the quad with only his boxers on." They both start laughing that eventually they start heaving.

"That's not funny guys, he could be hurt." I scold them. "Well we didn't do it your boyfriend and Anthony did." they said rolling their eyes. I have five minutes till the bell rang and I went to look for Luke. I found him and some of his friends at his locker.

"Luke." I said and tapped his shoulder. "Hi baby." He said gripping my waist and pulling me in for a kiss. I turned my head. "Why did you do that to Michael." I ask him. "Because it was funny!" he said laughing and high fiving Anthony.

"No Luke, it really wasn't." I say pushing him away from me. "Cmon babe don't be like this." he said chasing after me. But I just kept walking. I walk to first period where I see my friend Reina and sit next to her.

Throughout the math lesson I hear kids laughing and throwing things at someone at the back of the classroom. I ignore it until I hear soft whimpering. The teacher leaves the room to go get papers from the copy room

"Are you gonna cry Calum!" Some girl teases. he hides his face in his hoodie. "Awe look it's Calum the crybaby!" someone douchebag yells and the entire room erupts in laughter.

The tiny boy who I assume is Calum runs for the door. For some reason I run after him but not after closing the door three times. I see him still running and then halts when he sees a dead end.

"Hey!" I yell. He doesn't turn around. "Are you alright." I ask putting my hand on his shoulder. He turns around and I finally see his face profile. He has olive colored skin and raven colored hair, he has brown eyes and cute big cheeks I notice his eyes are red from crying.

"P-p-please, d-don't h-hurt m-m-me." he says.
"I would never, are you okay." I ask him. "N-no." he says and it breaks my heart. "My names Samantha." I say. I don't extend my hand because if I did I would have to shake his hand four more times. "C-calum" he says his voice is so beautiful and deep.

"Well Calum do you want to get back to class? There's only six minutes left?" I ask him. He shakes his head no,and then runs off somewhere. I walk back to class telling the teacher I had to use the restroom and sit back in my seat.

"What happened?" Reina asked. "I don't know." I said. I didn't want anyone to know about me talking to Calum I wanted to keep the memory for myself. As the six minutes pass and class is over I cannot help but set my mind on one thought, and that is to know the raven haired boy.

first chapter up I will be updating every day! hope you enjoyed the first chapter!


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