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Samantha's POV:

it was finally lunch time when i went into the quad looking for my friends. I found Maggie and Reina and sat down with them, five minutes have passed by and Luke and Anthony come to our table. "Hey, can we talk?" Luke asks. "Sure." i say and get up and follow Luke into the hallway.

"Listen baby, i know that what we did to Michael today wasn't exactly very kind." he started. "Yeah no fucking shit." i say to him with a glare. "But, i did find him today and i did apologize to him about what we did, and that i felt terrible about it." Luke said. "You did?" i asked surprised. "Yeah, of course." Luke said and started to grab my waist. "I am proud of you Lukey." i said and kissed his cheek.

After our 'little talk' we decide to head back to our table. Lunch goes by pretty quick but i can't help but still think about Calum. I rake my eyes over the entire cafeteria but I don't find him anywhere.I tap the table seven times with my pointer finger and then decided to get up and look for him.

"Where are you going?" Maggie asked. "I have to use the bathroom, but i will meet you before science." i told her. I left the cafeteria to find the raven haired boy, after looking for about ten minutes i came to the conclusion that i couldn't find Calum,that made me sad.

I realized that i had class and went over to the C building where that class was located. When i came in i took my assigned seat which was next to Maggie. We waited until the teacher came in and to begin the lesson, a couple minutes into class Calum came running through the door with tears in his eyes. "Mr.Hood, can i ask you why your are late to my class today." Mr.Palmer asked. "I-i-i g-got c-caught u-u-up." he stuttered. Some of the jocks in the back started to laugh. "U-u-uh O-o-okay!' one of the jocks teased

"Shut the fuck up, you imbecile." i yelled but then quickly covered by mouth, i can't believe i just said that. "Mrs.Winters detention after school." fucking great! Calum takes his seat and stares at me. In a way i am very glad i said something but i am not so glad that i got a detention. Class was about over with only five minutes left.

"Class there will be a partner project and i will be assigning the partners." the entire room erupted in a sigh. "Jackson with Mackenzie, Samantha with Calum." Maggie elbowed me "Your stuck with the crybaby, i feel so bad!" she said.

Don't get me wrong i love my friends but sometimes they can be totally assholes. The bell that dismisses us rings and i head to my locker to put away my books. I feel a light tap on my shoulder "Hi." i turn around and i see Calum. he's so beautiful i notice more about him this time. He has brushy eyebrows and full lips, I'm probably freaking him out by staring at him.

"Hi Calum." I smiled. "W-w-why did y-you d-d-do t-that for me t-today?" he asked. "Do what?" i ask kind of confused. "You s-stood up for m-me." he said shyly. "Because Calum i think that you deserve to be stood up for."

he smiles and something erupts in my stomach. I do something which i normally would never. "Hey, do you maybe want to come over to my house after school and work on the science project?" I ask him. He looks down at his shoes

"U-uh i d-don't k-know?" he says. I want to grab his hands but i know if i do i will have to hold them again three times. "I promise we will have a good time, you could even stay for dinner if you would like?" I tried persuading him. "o-okay." he said.

"Meet me infront of the school gates after school." I tell him. "D-dont you have d-detention?" he asks. "Fuck." i curse under my breathe. "Yeah, but i will find a way out of it." i tell him with a grin. "See you later, Calum." i wave to him. "Bye." he says and scurries off to someplace i don't know.

School is over. I go to the front office to see how I can get myself out of detention. I walk to the front office and see Mr.Palmer, I have always been a good student top of my class I would hope he would let this slide.

"Mr.Palmer do you think I could get out of detention today? I have to work on my project with Calum." I tell him. "Go ahead, that was nice of you for standing up for him, just watch you profanity." He said sternly.

I ran out the door as fast as I could. I was a few steps away from the front entrance when I see some guys throwing punches and it looks like they are fighting someone. I run up to the seen.

I look down and I see Calum on the ground being kick and punched repeatedly. "STOP!" I yell and push them. Calum has his hands up to his face. He is sobbing uncontrollably and is breathing heavily.

"Gosh, when did you start killing everyone's fun around here Sam." Trevor said. I turned around and slapped him hard. "You stupid bitch!" He yelled. "Your gonna pay for that!" he yelled and him and his two other followers left the scene.

I had bigger things to worry about. "Calum." I whispered trying to get him up. "It's me Samantha." I said. He lowered his hands from his face and I got to see his sad brown eyes. My heart broke in two.

"Cmon Calum, let's get you back to my house." I told him. I helped him get up but I could tell something happened with his rib because he was clutching onto it. I helped him get into my car and drove extremely slowly until we reached my house.

I helped him get out of the door. Ashton's wasn't in the driveway so I assume he wasn't home. We go inside and I tell Calum to sit on the counter. "Calum your gonna be okay." I tell him getting out some of the medical supplies. He keeps whimpering. I started with his face and clean up some of the blood, he has a cut on his left eyebrow and a busted lip.

I fix that up and then I try to look at his rib. "Calum, can you take your shirt off?" I ask him.He looks uncomfortable but I tell him I won't judge and that I'm only checking out is injuries. I help his take off his shirt and my breathe gets caught in my throat his body looks like its been sculpted by God.

Focus. He's hurt! It doesn't look to bad it just looks like it's bruised. I give him some Advil to reduce inflammation and pain and I set him down on the couch to let him rest.

"W-will you s-stay? he asked quietly. "Of course." I say and he gets up a little so that his back is in between my legs and his head is resting on my chest. I could stay like this forever. I let Calum fall asleep while I admire his features.

Calum is adorable!


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