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it's been quite mom and dad 'left', i don't want to use the term died it just hurts to much. Ashton has been with me through everything that's why he's so protective. I've had OCD since birth but it's gotten worse since they have been gone.

Today was one of the harder days, the day they passed away. I let the tears fall down my face, as I look through old photos. All the sudden I hear a knock on my bedroom door. Expecting it to be Ashton I just tell them to come in, not to care if I'm crying.

I turn and I see Calum, he's swearing a black sweater and some black jeans he looks so adorable but his face turns into a frown. "What's w-wrong S-sam?" He says shyly.

"Nothing." I say wiping away my tears. What he does next shocks me. He comes and sits next to me and pulls me into a hug. An electric jolt shoots through my body. I never get this sensation ever when I hug Luke.

"I like your hugs." he says, I gasp "CALUM!" he got scared and fell of my bed. "Ouch." he said clutching his head. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Y-yeah." She said. "Your stutter wasn't there." I told him. "It's less when I b-become more comfortable a-around p-people." He said.

I grabbed him and gave him another hug. We basically sat their hugging for five minutes. I pulled away. "No!" Calum said making grabby hands back I me when I left him. "Hold on, Cal." I said. He pouted "uh!" he whined.

I heard a knock on my door, "Um, dinner is ready, Calum you can stay if you would like." Ashton said. Calum just nodded. "Okay." Ashton said awkwardly and left. "I d-don't think he likes me." Calum said quietly and rested his head on my shoulder. "You're my friend so he will have to like you." I said kissing the side of his head lightly. He blushed.

We went downstairs and Ashton set up all the plates and had the food ready, nothing special just spaghetti and dinner rolls and salad. we sat quietly occasionally making conversation. It is usually quite around here, but have Calum with me, makes up for it.

Calum taps my shoulder, "My sister is h-here." he says quietly. "Oh!" I say and get up to walk him out. "Thanks for ha-having me." he says and I reach out and bring him in for a hug. He hugs back and I could stay like this forever.

He finally leaves and I get a text from Luke,

From Luke:
-babe, I miss you :(

To Luke:
- I saw you this afternoon Lucas :/

From Luke:

To Luke:
-I DO! 😂❤️

I put my phone down and brush my teeth and change into some clothes for bed, shit more school tomorrow great.

I wake up to the sound of yelling. It's Ashton and his girlfriend probably at it again. I choose to ignore it, I slip on some black jeans, a white t-shirt and a brown coat and head to school.

Calum POV

I wince at the pain in my side, it's just another beating, he doesn't mean to do it I tell myself. After a long bus drive I arrive at hell. I walk around and try to find Michael.

I spot next to some of the lockers in a black sweater and black jeans.

"Hey Mi-mikey." I say to him. "Hi Cal." he gives me a smile and we start heading to our first class, which thankfully is together. I dose of during math thinking about Sam, and her pretty brown hair and her sea blue eyes until the bell rings.

I start walking to the cafeteria with Michael but a sight stopped me. All I could see was Sam giggling and Luke was smothering her with hugs and kisses. I could feel a heart break.

I shouldn't be feeling like this, girls like that just don't go for guys like me.

"It's okay, Calum." Michael tells me and pats my back as a empathetic gesture. I smile, but forced one.





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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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