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Samantha's POV:

I get a light tap on my shoulder when I half asleep, I open my eyes. To see Ashton looking at me very confused. "Who is this?" Ashton says sternly. Yes, Ashton is a protective older brother. Trust me it took months for him to get used to Luke being my boyfriend.

"Shush!" I whisper at him, I don't want to wake Calum he looks so peaceful and beautiful when he's sleeping. "Don't shush me! Why is he here and more importantly sleeping on you when he's not your boyfriend?" He asked confused with a slight pissed off expression.

"Because Ashton! He just got beat up from the jocks and he's my science partner, Gosh sorry for being a good person." I try to get out of the position I'm in and move away from Calum but he grips my arm tight as if he knows I'm moving, but he's sleeping.

"I'm not accusing you." Ashton said. "Whatever." I roll my eyes. I tap Calum lightly on the shoulder and I see his eyes flutter open. He winces in pain. "Are you okay Calum?" I ask him. He nods. "Is there anyone who can pick you up or I can drop you off?" I ask him lightly.

"M-my s-sister." He said and he got his phone out to call her. It was about five minutes until his sister came to pick him up. When he saw her it was the cutest thing ever. He was his sister. "MALI" he yelled.

"Hi Cally!" She said giving him a hug. "What happened to you!" She said inspecting his face. "M'fine." He said. "Thank you for h-having m-me." He smiled. "Of course!" I said. "Thank you for being so kind to my brother, and thanks for looking out for him." She whispered to me as Calum was getting into the car.

I smiled at her. I don't understand Calum is one of the most sweet people that i have ever met i don't understand why people are so cruel to him. After I see that Calum and Mali have left I head up to bed. I get a knock on my door it's Ashton. "Ash, what do you want?" I ask him. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." he said.

"It's fine." i said, "Can I just ask you something?" he asked. "Well your going to anyway." i laughed. "Why do you care so much for this kid, i mean you don't even know him." he asked. "Because Ashton, Calum has had a really had life with all the bullying that he receives, i want to be there for him because i can and he deserves all the kindness in the world." i tell him.

He looks at me shocked. "Okay, but if i know your boyfriend correctly, its going to wear on him that you are hanging out with other guys." he said. "I don't think Luke would really care." I tell him honestly. "Sure, have you met Luke." he said walking out of my room laughing. I changed into to sleeping clothed and brushed my teeth and went to bed.

The next morning i did the same routine opening and closing the door seven times and then opening my car door three times, you see it doesn't matter i have to do it is either three,four or seven. If you want tell three plus four equals seven. I get to the school yard and I see Calum with some boy with blue hair. Calum is actually smiling and he is laughing this immediately brightened my day.

My friends are all talking about some party that is going to happen this weekend and I'm not listening until I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's Calum. "Hi Calum!" I say more excited than I should be.

"H-hi." He stutters, Probably because all my friends are staring at him. "D-do y-you want t-to come o-over l-later. "Yeah, that would be awesome!" I tell him. he runs away fast and I don't really understand why and it hits me literally everyone is staring at us.

"What are you guys looking at?" I snap at them. "Nothing." they all say in unison.

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