Chapter 7

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This chapter is graphic keep reading if you want (you have been warned)

I arrive home and walk up to the bathroom and turn the shower one while I take my clothes off. I hop in the shower and wash the makeup off. I start blushing and him kissing me the feeling felt so amazing and then him asking me on a date I just couldn't stop smiling. I get out of the shower and grab a towel and walk back to my room. I grab a blue hoodie and grey sweatpants and hide my hair in a snapback.

*beep beep*

I grab my phone and look at missed messages from Austin.


*Call me-Austin

*Austin stop texting me I'm sleepy-Paige

I set my phone down and hop in bed and fall asleep.


"Paige wake up" Matt said shaking me.

"No its Saturday go do something with Nikki" I said waving my hand at him.

"Your boyfriend is downstairs talking with dad's" he said.

I open my eyes and run downstairs and slip.

"Dad,Papa" I said folding my arms.

"What we're just making sure he use protection" my dad said.

"DAD!" I yell in embarrassment.

I grab Austin arm and pull him upstairs into my room. He puts both of his hands on my wasit.

"Austin" I said folding my arms.

He kisses my light pink lips and smiles. I smile back and cup his face with my hands he picks me up and keeps kissing me. I pull away and poke his noes.

"So we're still on for that date?" he asked.

"Sure" I said.

He smiles and carries me bridle way down the stairs.

"I stealing your sister for awhile" Austin said.

"Don't spoil her to much" Matt said flicking threw the channels.

I grab my skateboard and put my uggs boots on and run outside. Austin holds my hand while I'm on my skateboard.

"Where's this date?" I asked.

"You'll have to find out" he said.


We arrive at Ihop and I hug him.

"Pancakes!" I yell in excitement while throwing my hands in the air.

He laughs and takes my hand and pulls me inside.

"Hey hot stuff" the waitress said to Austin.

I glare at her and think of the most rudest things to call her.

I mean its not jealousy if I didn't know her is it?

"Table for two?" she asked.

Austin nods while holding my hand. We get seated and get menus.

"She was like 30" I said.

"You jealous" he said.

"Nope" I said.

"Hey Austin" a familiar voice said.

I look up and see Becky smiling at Austin.

"So we still on for tonight?" she asked putting her hand on Austin arm.

"I don't know what your talking about" he said confused.

"You texted me this morning and said that you want to hang at your place" she said.

I get up and glare at Austin and hand my hand meet his face.

(Austin's P.O.V)

I push threw Becky and out the restaurant. I grab Paige's arm.

"Let me go Austin" she said jolting her arm out of my grasp.

"She's lying Paige she's only trying to make you mad" I said.

"Then let me see your phone" she said.

"Wh-what no you know I wouldn't want to hurt you" I said.

"Let me see your phone or you can forget me" she said.

"Paige" I said.

She runs off and whipping her eyes.

(Paige's P.O.V)

I run off crying and yelling at myself. I run home crying and crying. I hear a honk and a whistle from a drunk teenager.

"Hey baby you want some fun" the guy yells.

"Fuck off" I said.

The guy hops out of the truck and grabs me. I scream and kick hoping someone would come out and punch the guy.

"Stop screaming or your time will be hell" he said.

"Let me go you perv" I scream.

He throws me in the backseat making me hit my head on the truck door. I cry and try to kick the window. He climbs in the back and unbuckls his pants and pulls my sweatpants off of me.

"Pl-please don't do this I-I have money" I studder crying.

He laughs and pulls my underwear off. I try to scream but he covers my mouth. He grinds his lower body into me making me cry.

I try to push him off of me but his hands pin me down.

"Get the hell off of her" a familiar voice said pulling the guy off of me.

"Paige" the voice said.

"Nick?" I asked.

He hands me my pants and underwear. I slip them on while shaking.

"You okay?" he asked.

I shake my head and cry.

Nick is Maxi twin brother he has a strong jawline and has dark chocolate hair and is tan and has a good body.

"I'll walk you home" he said.

I nod my head and walk shaking.


He opens the door for and gives me his number I smile and close the door.

"You okay?" Matt asked.

I shake my head and walk to the couch and sit next to him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I tell him what happened and he gets real pissed and paces the house.

"You have to tell dads" he said.

"I will" I said hugging my knees.

He tries to hug me but I push him away. I was afraid of being touched by anyone now.


Hours later my dads walk into the door with bags for thanksgiving. They both look at me and know something is wrong with me.

"Paige tell them" Matt said looking at me with a mad tone.

"Tell us what?" my papa asked.

"I-I was r-raped" I studder while hot tears fall down my face.

They rush up to me and try to hug me but I push them away.

"She did the same to me" Matt said.

"I'll call the police" My dad said.

"No" I said.

"Paige this really serious we need to call them and have them put this douche behind bars" Matt said.

"Language" My dad said.

"Just..can I go up to my room?" I asked.

"Yes" my dad said.

I run upstairs and run into my room and slam the door behind me.

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