Chapter 9

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I tell Austin that I couldn't be with him because of my problem. He sounded furious when I told what happened that day,his anger made me scared and worried about what he would do to the guy.

1 week later

Christmas was around the corner and my dad and brother and I where planing to fly up to Minnesota to see my dads family for Christmas.

I bring my suitcase down and sit on it while my brother yells at my dad about not going.

"Dad I'm 17 I shouldn't have to go" Matt yells.

"There family so get ready" my dad snaps back.

My dad walks downstairs with his bag and sets it beside me.

Matt walk down with his suitcase and sits on the bottom step next to me.

I take a sip of water and look at Matt.

"Austin coming with us"

I choke on a little bit of the water and pat my chest trying to get the water down.

"What?" I whisper/yell.

"He's coming.With.Us" he said with a cheeky smile. He laughs and looks at his phone.

"Dad we can't go" I say getting of my suit case. I can't even look him in the eyes and now he's staying with us.


I sit back down cross my arms like a 5 year old.

"And Nick" Matt says.

I get up and pull my suitcase to the car.


We arrive in the Minnesota airport. I see the three boys giving each other nuggies and casing each other like kids.

"Can we kill them?"


Nick runs into me causing both of us falling.

"Hey" he said. He looked me in eyes and standed up,he held his hand out.

I got up on my own and walk to my grandad.

"Grandpappy!" I yell running up to him but stopping before I hug him.

"Hey sweet pea" he said grabbing my suitcase.

"Hey dad" my dad said hugging him.

"Where's my other grandkid?"

"I hope dead"


"Sorry I meant not alive"

The boys walk up and stand behind me. I look back at all three of them.

"What you waiting for a order or something?"

"My dear queen may i give are grandfather a hug?" Matt ask.

"Smartass" I joke pinching him.


Austin looks over at me and I look back,we lock eyes for a moment but I turn away.

"And who are these two young gentlemen?" my grandad ask.

"Oh these are Matt's friend's he wanted to bring"

"I don't see a problem with that"

"Paige you'll be sleeping upstairs away from those two" my grandad said pointing and Austin and Nick.

"I'm taken" Nick say.

"Don't care your staying away from my only granddaughter"


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