She wrote a poem talking about Home:
I wrote her a response:
I used to think home was where
you went after you were done with work and school.
I used to think home was where
you went to sleep every night after long days.
I used to think home was where
you retreated from life's troubles and relaxed.
Home was a shelter given to you because
you did not want to sleep outside in the eye of the wild.
Home is more.
Once upon a time, Goldilocks invaded the Bears' home.
Is that what I have done?
Because now you weep &
now you mourn
for a home you cannot have.
I have taken away your home despite all I have tried to do to prevent this
and for that
I am sorry.
As a child, I, like all little girls, had
tea parties
but at my parties, I catered
Darth Vader
Darth Maul
I was that kindergartener who went out of her way to wear her
Darth Maul rain jacket.
My daily routine was watching
Star Wars.
They made me safe.
On the way back from a weekend at my grandparents' I told stories
about my mother and I along with the cast of
The Mummy
& we all solved murder mysteries.
After my daily dose of Star Wars
I had my daily dose of The Mummy.
The made me relax.
My mother played Under Midnight when I was no more than a babe.
My father preferred
He turned it off & I
I was not hungry.
I was not upset.
He turned it back on & I
It comes on & I stop.
I sat on the floor of the neutral area of my bedroom & my closet
sitting too close to you than I
was allowed.
We looked through my
of notebooks in
in my closet &
we laughed &
we smiled &
you were there with me.
You are my home.
And I am your home.
Even if things shatter to pieces you still are that safe place I long to go
home to.
So if I have intruded on your home &
caused tears to stain your cheeks & made your heart ache
then please forgive me.
Please open your home to me so I may
share it with you
for despite it all
the accidental theft
the bewildering unawares
the unforgivable torment
Despite it all
I love you
I need you
You are my home.
You make me feel safe when the dragons are out.
You are more than just my home.
You are my world.
You are what enables my existence.
Without you
I would have no home.
I would have nothing
You are everything.