Epilogue (1)

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Mariah's POV
6 years later

"Jack,Matt!" I called out, laughing at James who chased them around the garden. Jack tried to tackle James but James threw the young boy over his shoulder, pretending to eat him. the uncontrollable laughter from Jack made me giggle, James was truly amazing when it came to kids; even with children that wasn't his.

"Mummy" my little baby Matt ran into my arms clinging on to me trying to get away from James. James came storming in the room like a minster with Jack clinging to his uncles back. James tickled Matt, making Matt shake with laughter. Matt began to squealing uncontrollably making me laughing and try and shield him from his dad.

"I have your feet now" James robotic voice said making Matt laugh uncontrollably as his feet was being tickled.

"Daddy stop. No daddy! Stop!" he cried while laughing.

James was tackled by Alina, Lucas- Tarens little pup, Jack and Jasmine. James stuggled playfully, which made Matt cry out in worry when he saw Alina playfully strangle him. Matt jumped off from my hip pouncing on Alina, pushing her roughly from James. Alina glared at her younger brother looking rather angry,making me sigh.

"I was only joking stupid" she looked towards Matt. Matt looked worried as bis bottom lip quivers, Alina sighed guilty stomping away.

"Alina" I called out but she ignored me, I knew she hated getting angry with Matt but Alina didn't like the way Matt was too rough on her although he is just a kid.

Matt had tendencies to be a bit rough and annoy his big sister, but Alina being a 13 year old little madam made things harder when Matt would get out of hand. At the age of 5 to Matt everything seem harmless, but the little boy didn't know his own strength.

However Alina loves her little brother regardless. Alina had been so excited when. Little Matt came into our life, she would do everything for her younger brother, but even as cute as Matt could be he could irritate her. It was hard for me to calm her since she had a mind of her own.

Lucas walked after Alina making me sigh here it goes again, James looked disapprovingly at Lucas who was already out of the room.

"James" I sighed. "Their kids let them be will you" I hissed, glaring at him. This was a never ending battle in his tight headed, head. He always assumed Lucas was trying something in Alina but I knew better that Lucas was a true gentleman.

"I don't want him experimenting with my little girl" he said defensively.

"He knows shes hardly at that age to know much. Shes still going through changes" James made a disgusted face making me laugh. He hated that his little girl was growing up to fast, thinking about boys, trying to impress them, but i knew it was a part if growing up. She was growing up, a teenager now.

"Jack and Matt would you like to help me do some gardenig" Taren walked in with some planting materials and pulp of seed. They both cheered excitedly running out the room. "Wheres Lucas?" he asked heaving the heavy box out of the room.

"With my little girl" James glared at Taren.

Taren laughed use to James over protective father demure. Taren and I both knew that Lucas wouldn't try anything with Alina. Taren didn't need to tell his son, since Lucas would never step over line with her. "Cant blame the kid, his looks are just to hard to resist" Taren teased James, making me laugh and James glare at Taren. Oh the banter.

"Well you let your son know, no funny business when it comes to the next alpha" James proudly said making me toll my eyes. I knew Alina would make a great alpha due to her strength, knowledge and capability. James was proud that his little alpha could take care of her self, he felt proud of his little girl, and I knew that. But James didn't see the sensitive side of her much since Alina hated being weak, inly a mother could sense her child's weakness. I could always tell when Alina was sensitive with certain thing, poor James being a man was oblivious to those things.

As both men went outside with their banter still going in I looked towards Jasmine. "Jasmine lets got bake some cake." I said. She was always such a happy little girl always in her own little world. She was such a little angel, she reminded me, if me when i was a little girl always doing my own thing.

I shook hands with the people of my pack, who were enjoying themselves at the small barbecue Taren suggested.

"Brad get your ass down here" i grunted as i watched him make a runner from me.

I grabbed my older brother the collar dragging him into James office. My mum walked into the room glaring at Brad who looked guilty.

"We cant keep bailing you out !" My mum shouted. " Next time you drink and drive think about the consequences!" my mother seethed with anger. This time Brad had taken it a but too far.

Brad had been getting in trouble with the law for a long time, when I came out of coma, Brad was doing drugs, and already had 4 children from 3 different women; none of them had even been his mate. I was disappointed that my caring older brother turned into a nightmare that my father would have hated. My father had big plans for Brad so did he himself. Brad always wanted to be a lawyer but since he decided to quite college altogether he has been nothing but nightmare for my mum and me.

"Mum I didn't kill anyone" he argued back pathetically.

"Mums right you know Brad. Someone could have lost their life maybe even leave a family behind" two pairs of sorrowful eyes set on me.

"Shit i'm sorry" Brad walked up to me wrapping me in my arms.

"Please don't make me lose another family member" I whispered to him making him tear up.

"I promise you i will change for dad, for Jesse, and for my lost niece and nephews" brad regarded to my dead unborn child and jesses son.

My mum walked up to us joining in our hug " come in lets get out of here" my mum chuckled wiping away her tears.

As we walked out Brad glared ahead and muttered a goodbye making me look at my brothers retreating back strangely.

"Hey Mariah" I looked to see Adam walk in he hugged me tightly making me laugh. God he was strong.

Every time he would see me he would hug me and then sniff me; such a wierd man. He would say we did that a lot when we were younger, which I didn't remember.

"Wheres the terrible two?" he asked meaning Jack and Matt, better known as the terrible two.

"Their fine. How's Amanda?" I asked Amanda had been under alot of stress since Jasmine had shifted. Jasmine was still young to shift making poor Amanda over worry about it. but it was understandable since Jasmine was young and Amanda was a human.

"She'll be fine" he sighed. I sense that their was a lot of friction between them.

"Every mother worries" I told him. He looked over to Matt who was laughing at James who held him and Jack on his shoulder making them both laugh. The other pack member joined in playing with James and his childish games.

I looked towards Matt who was smiling and laughing excitedly at his role model, his father, who he looked up to.

Matt was not actaully James and I child, we had found that he was an orphaned little boy who was different from other child. James knew we couldn't conceive so we decided to adopt the little boy when he was only a little baby. To me he will always be my little boy.

"Yes but she thinks that its to dangerous" he sighed, I felt bad for him.

I saw that Adam looked like he was an emotional wreck he looked out his son jack and Jasmine playing with their uncle. I knew Adam felt guilty that he couldn't be like that with his children. I knew Jack and Jasmine adored their dad, but Adam found it hard to be a dad to his children. I knew he truly deeply loved them, but he found it hard to be a natural father for them.

"Mum!" Alina shouted bounding down the stairs. I felt a change in the atmosphere, I turned to look at Adam who just had a sad smile. I had no idea why he always looked at her like that. Adam is a weird man.

"Hey uncle" Alina said hugging her uncle.

Lucas awkwardly came beside her, making Adam glare at Lucas. Lucas looked at me, I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Lucas" Lucas held his hand out to Adam they both hadn't officlay met since Adam hardly ever came down here. He hardly ever saw us, even though his children would always come and visit us it seem that like he couldn't, like it pained him to come down. James never told me why, I knew about James leaving and Adam being angry, causing a rift between the two brothers but thats all I knew.

"You take care of her" Adam growled shaking Lucas hand. Lucas winced.

James walked in just in time to see what just happened.

"Adam their just friends" he gave Adam a pointed look. "My daughter doesn't need to be protected because she will" he turned to look at Lucas "rip" he looked south "it apart".

Alina just glared at her dad and uncle "Dad stop it your so embarrassing. He has a girlfriend"

"Keep it that way" he told Lucas. "By the way Lucas got a new car in the garage" he flashed a grin changing his mood ever so quickly. I groaned even when the pack where having a barbecue both men wanted to have a discussion about cars.

Lucas smiled excitedly. Even though James would go ape shit on Lucas he still got along with the youg man. They both had a unhealthy obsession which always drives me crazy.

"Take me to my baby" Lucas joked, making James act dramatically, fluttering his eyes at Lucas, who laughed at the grown aloha.He put his arms through lucas in a feminine manner, flicking his hair backwards huffing at us making me shake my head at my 'husband'. Alina groaned ripping her dad from Lucas's arm.

"Your so embabrassing dad!" she snapped irritatingly making Adam laugh, but he had sadness in his eyes making me look towards James who stared at his younger brother knowingly.

I stared at them and people around me. my gaze stopped at my mum, his parents, my brother. They all had this secret that they seem to keep from me. It kills me knowing that the people i truly care and love for are keeping a secret from me.

I felt the tears stinging in my eyes, making me frown. I still was kept in the dark it was like they all knew a secret which I couldn't even know. I excused myself walking up the stairs to my bedroom, i sighed feeling like I was going to break at any moment.

"Mariah!" I heard a voice cal out to me

"Adam" I turned around. To see Adam hesitantly walking into my room.

"One day Mariah" he told me sincerely. "Theirs no need to know anything, you have children and husabnd who cares about you. Don't let it affect you, hes only doing it for you" he told me taking me in his arms as I sobbed.

I knew James was protecting me but it hurt to know that he still kept things from me.

So what do you think. Things are still unravelled in this first part if the epilogue the second part will hopefully do justice for you guys.

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