Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Adams POV

My heart fell so crushed, just the rejection made me like this. But it was worse watching someone who is connected to you by blood walk away from you in the arms of another man. My daughter is something out of the world. I knew for a fact I would die for her in a blink of an eye. But when I saw her being taken away, crying franticly, kicking Taren so his grip would loosen, that is what made me come into realisation. I had to fight for both my mate and daughter. I had to clean up my act, pull myself together and start acting like a real man.

Then tears formed in my eyes, I blinked them hard to get rid of any evidence of tears. I couldn't cry, I had to be strong. I knew it pained me to watch my little girls face fall, but I had to still know Mariah did it for our daughters benefit. Even though i wanted to snap that pretty boys neck in half i had to keep cool. I knew Mariah would literally have me on my death bed if i made a move taking Alina from his hold. It pained me that i couldn't even protect her or hold her. Hold her like how Mariah held her.

I wanted the same reaction Alina had when Mariah was there. I wanted her to realise i am her father and every time she sees me she comes running to me. But it was all too late. I was losing it all to James. I willingly pushed his name out my head, i didn't want to do something o him which i would regret.

I was losing the fight of keeping the 2 most important things in my life. I knew I had to fight for Mariah's heart, if I couldn't get Mariah's trust, then how would I be in my daughter's life? How I would I be able to make her call me father.

But I clenched my hand on the steering wheel remembering Mariah talking about her alpha 'James'. I hated this guy. He is stealing what belongs to me. I bet he's already got Alina calling him father. I was angry with both James and Mariah. They're both adults and maybe start acting like one. She is totally in the wrong leaving me in the dark, not mentioning to me that she had my daughter.

That's when something had hit me more efficiently. It was the fact that the bond that instantly created between both Alina and I. There was no instant connection between me and Jesse's unborn child. I never have the urge to protect her or the baby. I was right all this time. Jesse had got pregnant by a human. No scent or bond was connected with a werewolf so it must be human. No supernatural was in that baby's scent. It was all human. I grimaced at the thought of it.

All my life, I have been forced to be the exact copy of my long lost brother. But I could not take it anymore, I just started snapping over the years. And poor Mariah has been caught up with it all. I know no excuse in the world can make me be forgiven, but the issues and problems I had to face at a young age has never been fair. I took on the duty of an alpha, that had been forced upon me. I had never wanted to become a leader, all I ever wanted was Mariah and have a family. My father had turned me into this monster.

He wanted me to change the way i acted, he wanted me to be more fierce and act like a leader. No one knew this about Adam Teel. He has always been so weak and vunerebale. As a kid i had been abused by men who told my father they would protect me and teach me about being an alpha. But no they scarred my body like an artwork, they said this was part of me becoming a real man. No one has ever seen these scars on my body that lead all the way from my back to my stomach, i hid them perfectly well and told my self never to show them to anyone. I never reveal my body, and I'm glad i never have to. All i wanted was to be the old Adam Teel, loving and caring. But no my brother had to leave and I had to become and alpha. The brother that promised me he would always be by my side. But no, he wasnt their when these men beat me, scarred me and made me like this. All the violence i use and my temper is becuase of them. Thinking about everytime they poked the silver knife into my skin, as I hoplessly begged them not to. They said this was part of my task of becoming an alpha; instead they turned me into this monster.

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