Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Adams POV

The atmosphere was mixed with all different emotion. I didn't know which one stood out the most. But one thing that i could assure you was than no fear was radiating off Mariah's body, it was more confidence that she had let out. I finally felt my pride and my heart would be safely in her hands than rather in my own.

She gave me a princess, my little princess, Alina. I looked down at the source that had created this atmosphere, my beautiful little girl Alina. How could I be embarrassed or even ashamed of this little girl? I may not have known her since the day she was born or even create any memories of her birth. But i know I love her.

This time guilt had spread through my every vein. This was my fault that I hadn't gotten to know my daughter.

1) I had exiled my mate and mother of my child

2) I raped her and became a monster that her mother never wanted to know

3) And third I didn't even think about the consequence of the rape and tried to find her. Never thought Mariah could have conceived. I never once searched for her, I was too busy being an arrogant alpha that my life was so blind.

I feel like a criminal. Actually I am one, I am a monster. I am them men that had hurt me, but i was worse. I hurt Mariah from all people. My one and only mate.

"You know what Jesse get the hell out" I spat venomously through my clenched teeth. The death glares she was shooting Mariah had gotten me off the edge, but now her gaze was hard on my little girl. No one should even dare look at my little girl in such a way. I don't care if you haven't hurt her, but anyone who gives my little girl that look will pay for their own death. By this I mean every word, they will die in their own hands.

"W-what?" she stuttered in utter disbelief at the way i spoke to her. I bet she's horrified that I'm picking the side of a little girl than her, but she should know that my daughter comes first in any circumstances.

"Get your daggers off my little girl or else Jesse I will-"

"Hurt my little baby" she butted in glaring at me. Mariahs posture froze by her comment about 'her' baby.

I let out a dry chuckle which stiffened her body up. "What did you say?"

"w-what do you mean?" she tumbled over her own words, confused but scared at my question

"You said 'my' as in only yours. You didn't say 'ours'" She gulped hard shaking her head violently looking at me with water pooling in her eyes. Then she searched the room looking at her mother who just stayed quiet, who justclutched onto her hands resting them on her heart.

My mother just stood their horrified by my words. She knew what Jesse was capable of but getting pregnant with someone else's baby wasn't something she would have thought Jesse would have done. She always believed everyone had dignity in them, but guess not since Jesse has far from that.

"You know what I meant Adam. This baby is ours" she snapped defensively. But her voice squeaked at the end like she knew she was finally caught, actually is caught.

"Keep down your voice" I said in low but deadly voice. I looked down at Alina so everyone in the room, knew why they need to be silent. To let my little princess sleep.

My heart squeezed when I called her my 'princess', because Mariah's dad always called Mariah his princess. And I mocked that word which i know say to my own daughter.

"Adam was she conceived through the-" Jesse trembled looking from me to Alina. I was about to speak but was cut off.

"Don't say it" Mariah whispered from beside me. "Every time you say that word you make it seem like Alina was a mistake. But she never was, rape is unforgivable" she took an intake of breath. "There are no buts in it. It's sadistic and disgusting, no one deserves that, but my daughter was no mistake. Adam may never be forgiven or liked by me but he loves his daughter and that all that matters to me. I would never want someone to go through the same ordeal, whether it's done by a mate or not, it's still disgusting. I am making a hard choice with my heart, soul and mind, by even letting him see Alina" my heart thuded in ym chest by her words. I felt like my ehart was being torn apart, was Mariah going to never let me see my dauhgter? "Alina loves her dad and if I take her away from him it will be wrong."

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