Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I stared at her in complete shock. She looked at me with wide eyes. "Mariah?" She finally spoke.

I could still see the bitterness in the way she spoke. She forced a smile and undeniably a lousy smile. James had taught me to remain calm anytime my anxiety or fear would flare up. I inhaled and exhaled without making it obvious.

I could tell she wasn't really bothered about me. The smug look on her face enraged me.

"Well who else do you think this is?" I snorted. I felt all the years of frustration bottled up for this moment.

She stood their gritting her teeth, I could see her hand itching to just hit me, but she didn't which surprised me.

She hadn't really changed, still looking like a whore. Her blonde her was still short and over teased, with her blue eyes with over the top eye shadow. Her fake tan was horrifying me.

But it was her eyes, full or envy and rage.

I never really thought about Jesse much, just the thought of her made me sick.

"Your-" she stuttered for word's, while staring at my face then my clothe. Then she took few steps forward with her arms wide open.

I took few steps back, not wanting her to even touch me. She made me go through hell. She made me hate my self. She has made me like this!

"Different. Strong, fearless. Well guess what Jesse this has always been me" I spat out, while my emotions were getting the better of me.

If my own sister never realised my true abilities, then she must be stupid. I have always been strong, putting up all the dreadful violent sadistic actions done by them. I'm fearless. I stood up to them, even though I got put back into my place, with all the beatings.

"Mariah I can't' believe I'm talking to you." a tight smile plastered in her face. "We thought... I mean you've done well for yourself. Mercedes is it?" she tried to sound kind, but I could hear bitterness in her words. Her eyes were still full of disgust. I could tell she was hoping to never see her again, the feeling is actually mutual. I never ever wanted to see her again to.

"So I'm still same old Mariah, hurt and pissed off" I responded back. I'm still the old Mariah, despite my drastic change in personality and appearance. I'm still the same, I'm strong headed, and I'm fearless. It just took this king to dig then up.

"Look Mariah sweetie" she said, I could tell she was mocking me. She flicked her hair over her shoulders giving me a death glare. This is the Jesse i have known all my life. "I don't give a shit about you" she said coldly, with nastiness filling it. Her voice echoed in my head that has always been her, never caring about anyone. I was just an object for her to kick, beat and humiliate. I bet since I left was a tragedy for her since I was, meant to be the weakest member of the pack, she couldn't really bully any one after my departure.

As I stared at her, she put her hands on top of her belly. She glared at me with much amusement. She removed her hands with a smirk. My eyes traveled to her protruding stomach, not too big but very noticeable. I felt myself in shock.

"Y-you're pregnant?" I whispered, I couldn't even talk. She's having my mate's baby's he's having my mates baby; I repeated this harrowing words in my head. I felt a pang of anger. I felt like tearing up, the pain I felt when I saw her bump, knowing Adam willingly got her pregnant and wanted to start a family. Maybe the future alpha of their pack.

"Yes I am. We were hoping ti start a family of our own." She smirked, her nastiness wasn't even pretty.

I felt like screaming. I wanted to ask her this 'why would you do that to me. You knew he's my mate. Why would you purposely hurt me? What have I ever done to you Jesse?' But I guess I would never get an answer from her, just a bitchy smirk and joy.

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