Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Finally I sprinted out of the jet, getting some nice Los Angeles fresh air.

I missed being home and definitely missed Alina. I still couldn't really move properly, I was too numb and my feet were swarmed with pins and needles.

As I hopped off my movements resemble a penguin, I glanced towards the others who stifled there laughter.

"What?" My voice was less then threatening, I couldn't hold back my own smile.

"Stiff ass?" Sasha questioned with a lack of sympathy.

"Yes" I said, while in discomfort. I felt as though it dissapered.

"Talking about asses are we?" James intervened coking an eyebrow.

Of course he would of heard, the word ass always gets his attention. "Booty man" he winked at me. I scrunched up my nose.

"Nobody really asked" I rolled my eyes earning a smirk.

Sasha laughed running towards the girl who were in front of us. Leaving just me and him

"Whatever boo boo. Truth is that my opinions do really matter" he smirked bringing his head to my ears he whispered " especially to you", just was i was about to retaliate he ran ahead of me "Right girls" he asked out loud the them who turned to him with confusion. He waved his hands in a dismissive wave.

However it was the nickname that caught me off guard. That was the name he used when we first met me.

It started off with a weird misunderstanding on his part and then became a thing.

I playfully pushed him and looked at me challenging him.

"Try me" I warned, pushing his chest gently again.

"You would love that wouldn't you" James whispered. "Don't deny it".

My lips tightly shut.

"Thats my answer then boo boo" his grey eyes pierced into mine. Mesmerised I felt my self inching closer to him.But our staring match had ended when someone had decided to ruin it.

"Really you call her boo boo?" our head snapped towards Lilly.

I really didn't like this girl, from the trip I've realised all of their character. And hers was definitely ugly. It's a good thing she's pretty.

Then I realised how unprofessional we sounded.

The other girls turned to us.

"Indeed" James said with pride looking down at me.

"No I'm just saying. It's not really like you to really have pet names" she purred. I felt my wolf surfacing. But I calmed her down telling her James wasn't really ours to take. He did have a mate after all, even if he doesn't believe in them.

"Well for my, boo boo I do. " I couldn't help but let a blush creep up on my cheeks.

"Well how about when I scream your name you can give me a pet name" Lilly purred seductively giving James a wink. He shifted uncomfortable, looking at me then back at Lilly nervously. I know how uncomfortable he feels because so does the rest of us

"Shut up Lilly he clearly is scared of you and your big mouth" Sasha snapped at Lilly. She kept her glare strictly on Lilly.

I knew the girls grew tired of her. Lily was dangerous. She had bad mouthed a lot of the girls to get her way.

"Well I was only saying" Lilly said in her whiny voice.

"Well don't say anything because he's in love with someone else." all our heads snapped towards, the quiet model Lucy. She gave out a small little chuckle, turning red. Lilly stood their looking mortified.

"Alina!" I squealed dropping my bags and running towards her. Her eyes wide and arms wailing.

I took her out of Maceys hold and I wrapped her in my motherly arms. My hands were behind head, making her snuggle comfortably in the crook of my neck. I couldn't help but tear up a little. She was the light at the end of the tunnel.

I kissed the side of her head gently, frozen un time. She gave me a sense of hope. I would sacrifice my happiness for her safety . If we were in danger than the best option is to move there for Alina's safety I would do so.

I held on tighter to her.

My possessiveness was a trait ever mother inhibits  and I was proud of it. If she even got hurt in the slightest as a she- wolf I would kill.

But a wave of suddenness suffocated  me, only if my mother loved me like how I love my daughter. I didn't care if they perceived me as weak because I knew how strong I truly was.

No matter what people will say I am a fighter. I went against all odds of a rape and abuse victim. I perceived.

'You're strong sweetie; you got to believe it now. Move back for your safety and show them what their missing' I heard my wolf whisper to me softly.

I let out a weak smile, knowing that my wolf has been there for me every step of the way. Every time I cried she would be the only one to comfort me. She is the only one who knew what I felt.

'But you're scared, I can't do it if you can't' I could never do anything if my wolf was afraid. Shes the strong one..

'What are you talking about sweetie? You're stronger than I will ever be. You have become something no one would ever have thought. You have moved passed all the horror and you still keep growing. You may not see it but everyone around you do, especially James.' I looked up to James, to catch him looking at me with a soft smile, with love and kindness in his eyes. Something I can never grown tired of.

'But he sensed your weakness' I added, I could hear me wolfs melodic giggle. Her laughter uplifted me.

'You're stronger than me. You always have been. You need to look beneath your scars and find your inner self'

'But you are my inner self' I felt myself saying hoping she never leaves me.

'No I am not. You're fathers teaching is your inner self. Follow what he has told you. It's your time to act upon it. You are a survivor a true hero, you are strong sweetie. I am nothing compared to you.'

I inhaled taking in everything she said. Maybe she's right, I may not be fully recovered, but I need to at least try. I've grown stronger over the years. I will show them whose grown stornger!

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