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(Picture of Delancy)

Scene 2

No no no!! Let me go. Aaaahhh. Who are you? Where are you taking me to? Let me go.

"Aaaah!" I screamed and got up.
I just had a bad dream. Tears flooded my eyes. I dare not to let them out. I looked on my bed side clock, 01:45am.

At the same time, my Mom and Dad burst into my room. Dad rushed first to my bed.

"Pumpkin, are you alright? " my dad asked.

"Yes, just had a bad dream." I said laying down.

"Oh no! She's been having nightmares since she's 16." Mom said to Dad.

"Honey, it's okay. We'll deal with it. " dad answered.

"Tell us. What Happened in the dream?" Mom asked sternly.

I struggled to remember.

"I was grabbed by a man wearing a hoodie over his head. I could not see his face. I shouted to let me go. I screamed, but no one could hear. The man was very strong and super fast."

"Is that it?" Dad asked.

"Thats all I remember, and that's where I woke up. Its nothing serious it's just a dream, mom, dad. "

"Well, make sure. "

Mom kissed me on my forehead. They both left.
I lay in bed trying to sleep. Each time my mind goes back to that dream.

Who is he?

"Can I come in Del?" The sound of my older brother, Sebastian, said.


He slowly opened the door and entered my room.

"I heard. Are you alright?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes. I'm okay now." I answered.

"Please make sure little sis".

"Oh for God's sake. When will you stop calling me little sis?" I screamed, jokingly.

He laughed lightly and said,

"When i die".

I playfully glare at him.

"You and your silly glares."

He looked on my bedside clock and said,

"Its now 02:00. I'm going back to bed. Sleep tight sis. " he said standing and kissing my nose lightly.

"Goodnight bro. "

He walked out and closed the door. Again, my mind wandered off to that man in my dream.

Who is he?

Who is he?

Who is he?

Fuck! Who the hell is he?

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