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Scene 9

I wake up. I know I dreamt about him.

Where did he enter from?

Where did he exit from?

All these questions keep popping into my head. Oh! I wish I can answer them.

Who is Angel?


I arrive at school, fetching my books from the locker.

"Hey girl." I see Claire standing beside me grinning.

"Someone's really happy today." I answered.

"Oh yes!" She said enthusiastically.

"Sup?" I asked, interested.

"I met someone at the club. His name is Demar." She said, practically jumping up and down.

"Calm down honey. What's he like?" I said smiling.

"Well...he is cute, dreamy, kind, he offered me a drink, his hands are soft and he has this mysterious look about him, but it's so cute. "

At the mention of mysterious, it reminded me of Angel. I look on the school's clock, we have 10 minutes till class time.

"Claire, we need to talk." I said looking her straight in the eyes.

She sensed my intensity and said looking nervous,

"Okay. Lets go out on the lawn."

We sit comfortably on the lawn and then I took a deep breath and began,

"Okay. From the age of 16, I've been having nightmares, but in everyone of them there's a guy, dressed in grey and a hoodie over his head, always. He never showed his face in the dreams. Then, last night I was walking home and I saw him, we talked, but there is this mysterious look about him, but it's drop dead cute. I know there is something bad about him."

"Well...Demar is just mysterious. He just appeared behind me." Claire said

" careful. "

The bell rings for class.

Mr. Crombwell's class.


I sit in my seat ignoring the seducing stares from Mr. Crombwell. I hate him so much. He keeps smirking at me. No other student ever notice.

"Yo, that man Is creepy" said Claire behind me.

"I know right" I whispered.

Finally, the bell ring and I hurriedly pack my stuffs.

"See me after class Delancy." I heard Mr. Crombwell say.

Oh boy. I can never escape.

"Just make sure you don't make your last mistake, okay?" Whispered Claire.

"I'll try" I said honestly.

I walked nervously to the man I hate so much .

"Yes sir? "

"Should I tell you what to do?" He asked, smirking.

That annoying smirk.

By now, I am angry, clenching my jaw, my fingers turning into fist, my lips trembling in anger.

"I will not do whatever you made me do the last time. My boyfriend and I broke up because of that. And now I loose him. I hate you so much." I shouted.

Mr. Crombwell looked so surprise.

"Have you forgotten that I can send you to the principal? " he asked.

"Have you forgotten that you Fucked a Minor? You can loose your job?"

There was a long pause.

"Get out" he ordered.

"Yeah right." I mocked him.

I slammed the door and went into the cafeteria. I spot Claire and my friend Sandra and Steff, i sit beside them. I am so not in a good mood. I bite my Burger angrily, I know they are watching me.

"What?" I asked them.

"Nothing. You just look soooo angry". Replied Steff.

"I am. " I said sternly smashing the mayonnaise out of the Burger.

They noticed and they got up leaving me and Claire.

"Speak". She said seriously.

"Its that damn bastard, Mr. Crombwell. "

"Calm down, it's okay Delancy. Just ignore him. Hey, he's just a jerk." She said.

"Okay. I'll take your word for it" I said trying to calm my nerves.

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