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Scene 10

I enter my house, finding Mom and Dad kissing in the couch. Damn. They're 37 for God sake. Old people. I cleared my throat,

"Hello? Daughter here". I said, trying not to sound rude.

"Oh hey sweetie. How are you?" Dad asked.

"I'm fine dad. Just really tired. I'm glad tomorrow is Saturday."

" should rest honey. " Said Mom.

I walk into my bedroom, taking off my clothes. I'm so sweaty. My phone vibrated, it's a message:


Its from Max. I replied,


Sup Delancy

Why are you texting me Max?

I just wanna say I'm sorry...for the way I reacted. I was just hurt.

I understand, it's okay.

So are we on?

No, Max. We're done for good.



Oh. Okay. So see you Monday.

See ya.

I'm no longer hurt over Max. Seriously, I'm done with him. I walk into my bathroom, pulling the shower curtain and started bathing. I love the feeling of the warm water running down my body. I quickly rinse off and draw the shower curtain. I gasp in shock.

"Angel?" I said.

He looked on my body, I looked down to see that am naked. I use my hands to cover my body.

"How can you come into my bathroom like that?"

He walked out. I grab a towel and walk into my bedroom. He was gone.

I really need to know who he is.


We're seated around the dining table, eating our dinner.

"So honey, how is school going on for you? Dad asked.

"Its...okay dad. How is work?" I asked
"Okay just the same. Had a lot of clients lately though"

My dad is a lawyer.

"Just great" I said.

"Honey, your dad and I are going to watch a movie at the theatre. Wanna come?" Mom asked.

"No mum. Go have fun. I'll be fine."


Mom and dad left a hour ago. I'm alone in the living room eating pop corn.

"Hey" I saw Angel sitting on the couch beside me.

"How'd you get he...I won't even ask." I said giving up.

"What are you watching?" He asked.

"Just a comedy."

He gazed at me with this intensity in his eyes. I like him...wait...what?

I like him. I love his eyes, his flat pink lips.....I looked at them.

He sensed it and sat beside me, I'm still staring at his lips. He holds my chin so that I'm looking in his eyes. He leaned in, to kiss me. Then he backed away.

"I can't " he said.

", but...why?" I said.

"I just can't. "

"You don't know how?"

"I know how, but, one day I'll tell you everything."

We watched the television in a comfortable silence.

"Delancy..." angel started.


"Do you like me?"

" ha"


He half smiled.

His smile is so mysterious.

"I have to go."

"Okay, bye...angel?"


"Whats your last Name?"

"Angel Death." He answered.

I gasp, looked away in shock, what kind of name is that. I then turn to look at him, but he was gone.

What the hell

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