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After awhile of us hanging out, b/f/n) had pulled out her Bts CD for Skool Luv Affair and was asking them to sign it which made me laugh.

She handed it to Suga and he started skimming the pages and I watch.

Suddenly I hear (F/n) laugh which causes everyone to look at her.

"What?" I ask.

"You still have your hand fetish don't you?" She asks I smile.

"But of course." I say.

"And I'm guessing you love his hands?" she says and I feel my face heat but I nod.

"What did she say?" Jungkook asks.

"She asked me if I still had my hand fetish and if I liked Suga's hands." I say and they all look at me including Suga.

"And you do?" V asks and I nod.

"Yeah you all have nice hands but I like Suga's the best. They're nice." I say and I see him smile a little and then they all continue signing the CD.

After they're done I lay out of my floor and yawn.

"They should stay the night too." b/f/n) says and I look over at them.

"She wants you to stay the night." I say and they look at each other then nod.

"Okie dokie. They will." I say and she starts fangirling.

"You guys can take the bed and you guys can sleep in the office room." I say standing up.

"We can get the room set up. Be right back." I say to my friends and the guys follow me into the office room.

There was a pile of blankets by the computer desk and I picked them up and started laying them out.

Once the floor bed was made I step-back and smile.

"If you guys need anything the bathroom is across the hall and I'm next door." I say and they nod and I head back to my room.

"So you and Suga." B/f/n) says, wiggling her eyebrows.

"What about me and him?" I ask, grabbing clothes from my dresser.

"He totally likes you. He was basically looking at you the whole time!" she says and I laugh.

"It's not like that." I say and head to the bathroom to change.

When I get back we all lay down and they go to sleep.
Suga's POV•

I couldn't fall asleep.

I kept thinking about (y/n) sleeping in the same bed as that guy.

Friend or not he was still a guy.

I looked at my phone that read 2:22am.

I sigh and sit up.

I quietly walk to (y/n)'s room.

I open the door slightly to see her on her phone, laying beside her guy friend.

When she notices me she gets up and comes into the hallway.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"I can't sleep." I say and she laughs.

"Me either. Let's go downstairs. I'll make tea." she says and I smile and nod and follow her downstairs.

When we get into the kitchen I sit down at the table and watch as she boils water.

"What do you think of them?" She asks with a smile.

"They're pretty cool." I say and her smile gets bigger.

"I'm glad you like them." she says and pours the water into tea cups and puts in the tea bags then walks it over to me and sits down.

I grab my cup and move the tea bag around.

After a little I start to drink it and thank her.

Now seemed like the right time to tell her I liked her..

"Y/n.." I say and she looks up at me and smiles, causing my heart to beat faster.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Well I'm not good at saying these type of things but .. I like you." I say and her face turns pink and she almost chokes on her tea.

"You mean like like?" She asks and I nod.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yeah.." I say as I feel my face turning hot.

She just had that effect on me.

"Awe. I'm flattered." she says and I feel my stomach sink.

"Do you not feel the same?" I ask and she looks up with wide eyes.

"No no it's not that. I just don't know how to say it." she says and I smile.

" do feel the same?" I ask and I see her nod.

"Then y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask and she smiles, looking up at me.

"Mhm." she mumbles and I smile and go hug her.

Now she was all mine and I'm all hers.

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