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((5 Years later))

"Mommy! RM is making fun of me again!" Mine and Suga's son Mason says as he clings to my leg.

I pick him up and balance him on my hip with a laugh.

Here we were five years later and Suga and I had a son and our own house.

I had given up dancing after Mason was born so that I could give all my time and attention to him.

Suga was still part of Bts and they were pretty huge now.

It was great.

"I was not!" RM cries out at he comes into the room with the others trailing behind him.

I laugh and walk over to Suga.

When I get to him he takes Mason and puts him on his shoulders and starts running around.

He was such a good father and husband.

I don't even know where I'd be if I wasn't for him.

He was my everything.

I looked over at the others who were smiling and laughing and I smiled to myself.

These guys were my family now and I loved them so much.

We had been through so much together and that only made our bond stronger. 

"You still look great!" Jimin says, smiling down at me and Suga comes over to me and wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"She's married buddy and mine." he says and Jimin laughs.

"I know but seeing you get jealous is priceless. " he says and I laugh.

"It is pretty cute." I say and Suga blushes a little.

"Don't worry though Oppa, I love you." I say, grabbing his face and kissing him.

"Eww!" I hear Mason say and then the other guys join in saying ew which causes Suga and I to become laughing messes.

"I love you guys too." I say and we all group hug.

Life was perfect just like this and I didn't want it any other way.

((The end!))

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