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Namie ended up explaining everything that happened today to the twins who were still surprised of the little girl.

"Oh kuru-nee, iza-nii screwed up big time didn't he? Or should I say screwed someon-" mairu tried to say before she was smacked in the back of the head by her older twin who pointed towards the girl sitting with them.

"Ow, kuru-nee" mairu whined to her older sister who played no attention to her and was feeding her brother's daughter.

Kururi had already taken a liking to the little girl as compared to mairu Kururi seems to be nicer toward Izaya.

she chides Mairu (albeit apathetically) on her reaction to Izaya being stabbed, also asking if he is all right after Mairu attempts to kick him when he came by the dojo they practice.

And showing great concern over his bruised hand when Mairu pointed it out. She also appears to be more affectionate toward him as well; a prominent example is when the siblings are walking together, she hugs his arm tightly.

Kururi is very quiet and reserved, rarely reacting to anything with more than a short sentence. Though her younger sister can go on about hours.

Mairu is extremely energetic and outgoing and is a textbook chatterbox in real life.

She can also be rather vulgar and usually has no problem going into extreme detail about subjects about sex and pornography even when others are listening, which usually prompts Kururi to calm her down.

While usually acting very playfully in most situations, Mairu has been shown to get serious if there is genuine danger, especially if it might pose a threat to Kururi.

Online, her personality is almost completely opposite. Mairu usually only replies with short phrases or a single word much like Kururi does in real life.

However, her vulgarity still shines through as she occasionally gets blocked for obscene content. Like her sister, Mairu regularly attends martial arts classes and is a skilled fighter. She tends to use her fighting skills more frequently than her sister, however.

"Now if you both excuse me I've got work to do as you're ass of the brother would rather stalk highschool kids than do some paperwork" namie said as she cleared up the plates.

"Hmm... kuru nee! what should we do now?" Mairu whined to her sister being bored.

"Look... for iza nii?" Kururi replied while patting the little girl's head.

"Ah yeah!, how dare he try to hide our precious niece from us!! I'll make him pay! But kuru nee where will he be?"

"ikebukuro, he had to report back to shiki of what they asked of him, he'll be waiting for him in front of the rakuei gym since shiki is dropping akane off" namie replied sitting in her desk.

"Oh yeah, since today is the observation day for the juniors, we seniors are off" mairu said as she remembered.

"Let's go" kururi said standing up

"If you both are leaving take that with you" namie said pouting towards the little girl.

Mairu and kururi looked towards each other as wide smiles spread on their faces.

- - - - - - -

[In front of the rakuei gym]

"Well that be all shiki san, glad to be of service" Izaya said putting the brown envelope filled with money in his inner coat pocket.

"Yes it is, also there's been this strange rumour I've heard about" Shiki replied.

"A strange rumour? You'll have to pay me though I don't give away information" Izaya said

He was in a hurry as he had got problems of his own currently. He needed to find information about the mother of his child.

Before the yakuza executive got a chance to speak a roar of Izaya's name was heard by them as a trash can hurled pass them.

"I am afraid, I'll have to excuse myself shiki san" izaya said as he reached for the pocket knife in his jacket, gripping it.

"Very well then, try not to cause so much ruckus" shiki said even though he knew that the fights between shizuo and izaya would always end up destroying everything in the way.

- - - - - -

Mairu and kururi were walking to the gym to find their older brother as they end up spotting aoba talking to his gang members.

"Hey Hey! Aoba kun~! Up to no good as always I see! You are just like iza-nii" mairu yelled getting the guys attention.

"Don't lump me together with your together with that brother of yours" aoba said irritated to which mairu just smiled at him.

He was about to say something as he noticed the child between them holding them holding one of mairu's and one of kururi's hand.

"Whose kid did you both kidnap?" He asked

"Oh her? How rude! We wouldn't kidnap our own niece now world we kuru nee?" Mairu pretended bowing hurt and looked at kururi who just shook her head.

"Niece? Your cousin's daughter or something? Since you guys are only three siblings, right?

"Well actually, she's iza-nii's daughter! Look at her she's so cute! I could hug her all day" mairu said bending down and squeezing the child.

"Oh that bastard's daughter.... What?" Aoba asked confused and shocked.

"Yup! We were shocked too, when we found out! We are actually looking for iza nii right now" Mairu said as Kururi nodded in agreement.

"How can that be possible? Him having a kid?"

"How?, oh my innocent aoba kun, you see, when a man and woman - ow!" Once again kururi had stopped mairu from speaking like that in the presence of a child"
Author's Note:

A new chap of this after A while sorry, I am bedridden! My whole body is very weak I've been told not to push it!! Anyways feed back?

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