Foot steps

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"Mairu would you shut up for 5 mins! She just fell asleep." izaya grumbled. Gently patting the small back of the child he was carrying.

"Aww, kuru-nee my dear evil brother has a soft side now~" wiping an imaginary tear. Then bursting into laughter, irking her older brother even more.

A small smile found it's way on the older twin's face. She was walking a bit further ahead of her siblings. Because they kept stopping to biker at each other.

It's looked just how when they were younger and Izaya used to walk them back from school. Mairu and him would always fight over every small thing.

Honestly, she missed those days - back in home, just the three of them. She knew deep down inside her siblings did too even if their too proud to admit it.

Kururi silently prayed that maybe this could last a bit longer. As she turned back and h gave a heart warming smile to three behind.

Was it really impossible for the oriharas to become a family again?

- - - -

As the timer in the kitchen threatened to destroy her ears. Namie rushed to turn it off. Namely, she was izaya's secretary. However, he also stretched her services up a bit. That includes aside from secretarial work, she would be doing his chores, cooking for him and not forgetting the recent babysitting duty.

A paid housewife would be an appropriate term.

The front door opened to reveal an annoyed Izaya with the kid cuddled up in his arms. Of course twin devils were with him.

Izaya kicked the door shut and walked in giving namie and most tiring look. Namie smirked to herself that seeing the even so called god can have a hard day.

"Namie-saan~! I am hungry. Order fatty tuna for me"

"I've already made curry"

"Don't want it"

"Eat what you get"


"Stop being childish"

Izaya landed himself face first on the expensive sofa and curled up.

"Order fatty tuna, namie. This is an order"

Namie glared at the back of the man who was sprawled on the living room sofa. This side of the informant was only known to namie.

A loud crash came from the kitchen and namie turned hurriedly back in the kitchen only to find the youngest keeping up the orihara name.

The young girl gave namie the cutest smile as she stood next to fallen over pot of curry namie spent great effort making.

How did she even managed to do that. And without getting the slightest of it on herself?

"I guess, we ordering takeout?" Mairu poked her head in.

"I don't get paid enough for shit"

- - - - - -
"IZA-NII!" Mairu yelled atop of her lungs from the van and dashed out to her brother.

Izaya could've swore he saw a mischievous smile up her face before he broke down in tears upon reaching.

"How could you? Even though we don't get along much. Even though we might throw you in trash to see our idol. Even though we might have pranked you which could may have been life threatening, aren't we still your sisters?" she spoke between hiccups. Her teary eyes looking up at him as she clutched the front of his coat.

From experience Izaya knew she was faking it and honesty he did not have any patience to get another surprise blown on him today. Mairu's angelic smiling face was the last thing he needed right now.

Thanks to the loud sound system installed in mairu's lungs everyone around had turned their attention towards them now.

"It would have been better if you just tried to break my spine as your greeting as usual" a really annoyed Izaya replied.

"A new day a new way, heh. But I wasn't joking iza-nii. Me and kuru-nee were so hurt when we found out from a stranger rather then out own sibling? Aren't we the same blood iza-nii?"

"Can you stop so dramatic?"

"Where's the fun in That~?"

At this point kururi could be seen stepping out of the van and carefully helping the young girl out of it. Who decided to ignore her aunt and jumped straight out.

This scene didn't went unnoticed by izaya as he realized his sister's behaviour.

"Oh you already found out."

"That's harsh, even for you! How could keep this precious Angel away from her aunts!"

"Probably to keep her sane"

"Repeat that, till you get it"

"Fine, we're going home first though. No thanks to you. We've already gained an audience."

"Aw, don't you want the world to know that you weren't gay?"

"Excuse me?"

"Like c'mon you know all the rumours and never heard one about you? Thanks to our lovely parents the blessed looks you have. But still no girl on the run with ya so maybe..."


"Oh my, is that your little sister izaya-kun?"

Due to mairu's sudden rampage, he seemed to forget that the mafia executive was still here.

"Oh hello, you know my trash of a brother?" Replied mairu.

The thought of the mafia executive getting close to his sisters was bad enough since they could be used against him. But knowing shiki, he would have long known about them.

It was mairu's blabbering mouth he's worried about. In the 15 years of her existence, she never really did figure out how much to tell and whom. Unless she was tricking someone.

It's his daughter he can't have them find out about.

"Kindly ignore this little thing. she's quite distressed right now. We'll be on our way."

Giving a tight lipped smile to the executive. He grabbed mairu's small shoulders and dragged her with him. This already had been a long day and izaya had no intention of letting it get worse.

However the scene of taking up a young girl in his arms and walking off with his twin sisters didn't went unnoticed by the audience.

Since somehow everyone was at the right time to witness it. The great information broker's soft side?


Author's Note:

Hey ya fellas.
Back again with a chapter..... heh.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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