Silence before the storm

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"Well actually, she's iza-nii's daughter! Look at her she's so cute! I could hug her all day" mairu said bending down and squeezing the child.

"Oh that bastard's daughter... Wait, What?!" Aoba asked confused and shocked.

"Yup! We were shocked too, when we found out! We are actually looking for iza nii right now" Mairu said as Kururi nodded in agreement.

"How can that be possible? Him having a kid?" Aoba questioned.

"How? oh my innocent aoba kun, you see, when a man and woman get- ow!" Once again kururi had stopped mairu from speaking like that in the presence of a child.

"Anyways, mairu said rubbing the back of her head "we got to go find iza-nii! Bye bye~!"

The energetic twin ran off dragging her older sister and niece in the direction of the gym she attends. Little did the twins know of the choas they were about to cause.

Shizuo was walking towards the gym the name was rakui something though it didn't matter to him. He was only going there as akane awakusu excitedly invited him to watch how much her skills have improved. Apparently today was a observation day for junior members to show off how much they have learned. Shizuo couldn't say no to the little girl nor that he could even she especially asked him with puppy dog eyes.

He was done with the debt collecting work with Tom and now new member Varona, so he asked to be excused but for reason when he mentioned that he was going for akane, varona's usually Stoic face shoes signs of irriation and she insisted on tagging along with shizuo.

When he reached the gym he saw a face that immediately made every nerve of his body snap. He could no longer think of anything else but to hurl whatever is nearby at that annoying man. Hopefully killing him.

"Hurry up~! Today is the last day for the limited addition plushies! Owa~ at this rate, they'll be sold out~!" A young woman dressed in all black whined.

Hey! it's not my fault, you guys took so long in that manga store" replied the now irritated driver due to the constant whines of the backseat passengers.

A man wearing a beanie sighed at his friends then suddenly his eyes fell upon a certain group and he cried out "oi subaro, stop the van"

Saburo stopped as soon he heard his friend causing the people sitting behind to fall over. They were about to ask why he suddenly stopped like this but both of the males sitting in front we're no longer there.

"Karisawa-san, look outside... Are those izaya-san's sisters?" Spoke the man sitting next to erika.

"Celty~ are you ready to go~?" A young man in his early twenties cried out. Currently he was waiting for the person name celty to finish showering and come out of the bathroom. "Ne, are you alright in there? Let me come and just check-" the young man said with a creepy grin up his face however before he could finish his sentence a thick full black thread like substance came from inside the little lock on the doornob and choked the man who was trying to take a peek.

The man was released from the substance as the door flew open revealing a very sexy woman dressed in all black. Tiny droplets of water were on her neck gliding down towards her chest. Her body was extremely beautiful, she was what Everyman who wish for though there was a slight difference between her and usual model-type girls could be the lack of a head on those slender shoulders.

Celty sturluson was no human but rather she was from a species dulahan, the informers of death. They were creatures of Irish folklore. It was said about them that they visit the houses of those who are about to die ridding on a headless horse though if someone were to see them, they will be drenched in blood.

"Shizu-chan~ don't ever get tried of trying to kill me~?" Izaya said jokingly the blond who had a great muderous aura around him as little droplets of sweat trickled down his forehead.

"Yeah sure, as soon as you drop dead!" Shizuo replied making his way to izaya with a wicked, very creepy smile. His hands holding a traffic stop sign which he ripped out from the ground nearby. He hurled the object in hand at izaya in hopes that it'll rip his head off so he can finally be in peace.

Suddenly then something flew towards shizuo, to be exact straight in his mouth. Surprising both males. Another person came in view wearing some sort of uniform. "Fighting bad, eat sushi. Sushi good" he said in broken japanese.

Turns out due to the event happening inside the gym, Simon came here to promote his friend's restaurant, namely Russia Sushi. He immediately came outside after recognizing the voices he knew so well, having to stop their fights or dragging them back to his restaurant to feed them sushi was a common thing for Simon.

Shizuo chewed on the thing-some sort of sushi and swallowed it. He calmed down as varona next to him was getting ready to attack izaya. He knew that varona didn't personally had something against izaya that she hates him because he does, however he could not let his kouhei's hands get dirty especially in that flea's blood.

Shizuo knew with simon here he couldn't attack izaya again. He remembered akane's smiling face as he thought how'd she feel if he ruined her special day because he couldn't control his temper because of a measly flea.

Izaya, who was watching this whole scenario happen was slightly irritated at shizuo as he saw him completely calm and ignoring his presence. Doing something so unpredictable again as always. Before izaya could say anything to pester the blond, a van pulled up.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, it's been quite long since I updated this. Heh. Sorry... Please review and let me know what you think.

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