Orihara Girls

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"I wasn't asking namie, you don't have a choice" izaya said.

Namie crossed her arms knowing she get it out of this one, she needs this job after her yagiri pharmaceuticals got taken over. And the police on her trail after the illegal activities she did.

"Fine" namie said since she can't win against her boss.

"Aww namie I'd knew you'd help out!" Izaya said said happily.

"Yeah right, As if you didn't blackmail me for it" namie muttered under her breath.

"Now then I am heading out now! I need to stretch my legs and see how my lovely humans are doing! I am sure they all miss me" izaya said putting his signature fur coat on.

"I am pretty sure they all hate your guts"

Izaya payed no attention to her, humming to himself as he stepped out of the apartment.

Namie let out a sigh when she heard the door being closed.

"that frikin bastard" namie mumbled under her breath. "Just go on fuck every woman in sight and drop your illegitimate brats on me"

She walked over to the little girl sitting on table scanning the room with curious eyes.

"Now then what am I supposed to do with you?"

The girl only looked up to her and gave her a big smile, cocking her to the side.

she just woke up,should I make something for her, hmm?"

As if on cue the little girl's stomach grumbled.

"Well that answers the question" she picked the girl up and set her down on the couch "Just sit here and don't move"

Namie told the child even though the girl payed no attention to her and grabbed the tv remote turning it on.

There was a knock on the door.

Namie was alerted was this as it couldn't be Izaya since he doesn't usually forget things and and has a keycard. There were no clients coming on the schedule though people do randomly appear at their door at odd times.

Or could be shizuo but his way was more noisy, he would either pound on the door or ring the bell so hard it'll make his fingers bleed.

Namie walked towards the door being cautious and before she could open it the person on the other side started pounding on the door.

"IZAA-NII!! OPEN UP!!" A frustrated voice of a young girl yelled.

Namie sighed In relief knowing that the person outside pounding on the door is none other than mairu, younger sister of Izaya. Kururi should be with her too since according to these two always stick together.

Unlike her feelings towards their brother, namie doesn't hate them and would use them to spy on her younger brother and his girlfriend. She also gave them the link to Izaya's chatroom and told them about celty when izaya refused to just to annoy him.

Izaya has claimed that aside from shizuo these two are the only people who he can't read. Izaya also find them quite annoying due to their unpredictable nature but Izaya never said he hates them or loves them. Izaya said that if he can't love them then he believe no one else can either.

They grew up in the same house as Izaya, where all three siblings were said to have had "fairly normal parents." Izaya believes that their eccentricities developed because of his influence on them.

He told them as children that they were copies of each other and therefore had no real purpose.

When they were younger, he often had to take care of them because their parents were almost always working abroad.

Izaya states that aside from Shizuo, they are the only humans that he doesn't know how to deal with, which may explain why he's annoyed by them.

While Mairu and Kururi are inseparable, their feelings on Izaya are not as clear--on the one hand they say that they still consider him family, but on the other they wouldn't mind killing him and throwing his dead body in the garbage in order to meet their idol: "Hanejima Yuuhei," Shizuo's younger brother.

Izaya displays some affection for his sisters when he sends Celty to stop some thugs picking on Kururi; he claims that he only did this because he needed a distraction for a job. However, he also sends Eijirou after some other thugs who were targeting Mairu when it was not work-related.

As soon as namie opened the door mairu busted in dragging kururi along with her. She look slightly angry from waiting long outside. Her expression quickly changed when she saw namie.

"Ah namie san, Hello!" mairu said while looking around probably for izaya.

"Iza-nii?" The older twin and soft spoken compared to her sister, kururi said her voice not any louder than a whisper.

"Ah, that bastard is not here. He went out a while ago doing whatever"

"Eh!!? Kuru-nee and I came all the way here to annoy- I meant meet him!! He's so horrible!" Mairu let out a frustrated cry.

"Who's....That?" Kururi asked pointing towards the little girl on the couch. Which caught mairu's attention as she stopped her iza-nii should die chant.

"Oh her? She's Izaya's kid" namie said blankly.

Much to the shock of the twins who looked at namie as if she grown two heads.

"Iza-nii's k-kid!? When!? how!? why!?" Mairu yelled confused as how her ass of an brother suddenly has a child.

While kururi already went to the girl inspecting her like your mother buying vegetables at a convenience store which you don't eat.

"Cute" kururi said as she stared at the girl, mairu joined her looking at the girl.

"Woah, she looks exactly like iza-nii" mairu said poking the girl's cheeks.

"But namie san, he didn't have a kid when we pranked him last week! To think he was hiding this adorable little creature all this time" mairu questioned namie as she took the girl out of kururi's arms and squeezed her.

"Actually, he also only earlier today found out he had a kid" namie said causing the twins to look at her with a puzzled expression.

Namie took a long breath and glanced at the clock, "it's a long story. How about I get us some tea and snacks first and the little one's starving" namie said as she walk towards the kitchen leaving the three orihara girls together.
Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait! I have shit ton of vacation work!! And lack of imagination! ;( this one was really boring sorry!

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