02 | Sleepovers & Beaches

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Weeks passed and Lauren found herself getting more and more infatuated with Camila. The girl and her had several things in common, and they were actually becoming really close friends. The five girls were at their usual lunch table when Dinah brought up the idea of a sleepover.  "We should all sleepover at someones house tomorrow, it's Friday." Dinah said looking up from her phone. 

"Uh, sure" Ally started, "But at whose house?" 

"Definitely not a my house, I have so many siblings running around." Dinah said with a chuckle. 

"We can do it at my house, i'm sure my parents won't mind." Normani spoke.

The girls make the plans for the sleepover and continue chatting until the bell rings.


"Lauren! Can you get the door? I'm pretty sure it's Camila and Ally." Normani yelled from upstairs.

Lauren made her way to the front of Normani's house and opened the door, revealing Ally and Camila.

 "Hi Lauren!" Ally said pulling Lauren into a tight hug.

Lauren laughed and hugged Ally back and gave a slight hug to Camila, who gave her a small smile. Dinah appeared from the living room and quickly pulled Ally and and Camila into a tight squeeze.

"I can really see the height difference now, Dinah can practically carry Ally." Camila said in between laughs.

"Im not that short Mila!" Ally remarked.

"Compared to Dinah you are!"

"Whatever Mila" Ally said, walking into the living room.

Normani appeared from upstairs and greeted the two girls that had just arrived. Normani had a selection of movies to choose from and Camila had convinced them all to watch 'The Notebook' since it was her favorite movie.  The five girls were all sprawled on an inflatable mattress Normani had set up in the living room. 

"I'm hungry, i'ma go get a slice of pizza any of y'all want some?" Lauren asked, getting up from the mattress.

"I'm hungry too i'll come with you." Camila said getting up as well.

"Can you bring me a water?" Dinah asked.

Lauren nodded her head and walked into the kitchen with Camila.

"Exactly how many times have you seen this movie? You seem to know every line that's coming up" Lauren asked grabbing a paper plate from the counter and getting two slices of pizza.

Camila laughed "Too many times to count, I just love the movie so much, and Ryan Gosling." 

"It's super cliche" Lauren said grabbing Dinah's water.

"What can I say i'm a hopeless romantic" Camila said shrugging her shoulders and walking back into the living room.

Lauren followed and handed the water bottle in her hand to Dinah. The girls finished watching the movie in mostly silence, just making little comments here and there. They decided to watch a disney movie next and chose 'The Lion King' at Lauren's request. The girls sang along to all the songs, laughed at some parts and of course shed some tears when Mufasa died. They continued with a Disney movie marathon and watched some princess movies until they all started to get sleepy. 

"It's pretty uncomfortable for all five of us to sleep on the mattress so Dinah,Lauren, and I can take the couch since Camila is already knocked out on the mattress" Normani said getting some blankets from the linen closet.

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