Wake up alone

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     I wake up in my bed the next day . My eyes are shaken and weary . I yawned and stretched my body slowly getting up . looking at my blurry room , I jump into the shower And brushed my teeth quickly . I walked out the shower and shove a white shirt and black jeans on the bed . I combed my hair and left it down . I put on my outfit of the day . I don't even bother taking a picture . I looked awful . I felt awful.

I walked out the door at seven-thirty . My legs weary and my eyes barely open . It's  Thursday and my mood isn't doing well . I straighten my posture and walked on to school . I heard cheers and good mornings from the other houses . I see children racing through the door . They bum into me making me fall onto the cement fall . The children run on as a small tiny women chases after them . She sees me on the ground and helps me up . She had black eyes and wrinkly skin . She was short and very chubby .

  " ohh... I'm sorry I-- you know single mother " she chuckles and runs after her wild children . I stay quiet staring at the fading figures as they run along . I know it would be horrible  to be single and a mother . I wonder how Sarah is doing . I wonder if her and mr.dave are happy . That made me sick . A 32 year old man and a 17 year old doesn't really work . Sarah hasn't been seen since six days ago and I wonder what happened to her . I walked over and cross the next street . Luckily I know where Sarah lives . One time she was having a party and she lied to everyone about one direction coming . When everyone found out she'd lied we left .

   I walked up to the street and there it was . Her house was a light shade of yellow and brown shed wood covered everything that wasn't yellow . I  heard cries from the room ahead . I walked near the door and knocked . LOUDLY .  The cries stop for a minute . It continued as I stood there waiting for someone to come running down the door . No one came . It passes minutes before I knock again . LOUDER . The cries stop . I heard stomps get closer and closer than suddenly stop .

    " WHO IS IT !! "  a dark moody voice screams at me . My ears pierced as I try to answer back ,but it was only a tiny squeak compared to the voice .

  " I'm Maya " I squeaked . The low cries stop . I heard foot steps running and running closer . I turned around looking at the neighborhood and wondering . The trees are bright green with ripen apples looking straight at me . The thought of food made me gag . I looked back at the door and I still heard the rumbling noises of foot steps . I wanted to knock one more time ,but I was kinda scared . The door screeched open as I saw two people standing their impatiently tapping their feet on the wooden floor .

" hello .. I just was wondering about Sarah ? She hasn't been in sch- "

" she's out right now " the dark voice was a tall man . He had a stern steady face like he was hiding emotions . He was probably Sarah's dad and the lady was probably her mom . Sarah's mom was holding on to tissues sniffing again and again . Her eyes are hazel and stuffed with tears . Her lips quivering . They looked completely terrible. Sarah did something . She wasn't home or at school . That means she ran away . She probably thought it was too much drama so she ran away with mr.Dave . I had to know what happen to Sarah . I opened my mouth daring to ask .

    " she ran away didn't she ?"
" I SAID she's OUT !!! " the man shouts closing the door shut right in my face . My hair flew back as the wind hits me . I turn me face around . She did run away . The guilt climbs up my throat chocking me . My lungs pleased for air . She ran away because of me . Because I hurt her and send out that video .

    " why'd you do that that's Sarah's best friend . Remember how Sarah used to always talk about her " her mom quiet as a mouse. It's weird knowing Sarah thought I was her friends . I walked towards the window hearing the cries . She was on a brown leather couch . Her eyes were baggy and red . It seems like she hasn't gotten any sleep at all . Her face was completely splotchy and red . Her husband only had his eyes narrowed in concerned . I don't understand why men or even boys like to hide emotions . It's natural to be a wreck and cry and even shout your feeling out to the world .

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