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Calvin's pov

"It's very nice to finally meet you in person" I say with a very obviously fake happy tone. I smile and shake her hand. She gives me a bitchy look and nods "Very nice to meet you too." She doesn't even try to hide her feelings towards me. Everyone has left the conference room, her friends had been the last ones. Some silver haired chick seemed kind of worried but was pulled out by who I assume to be her boyfriend.

"I never wanted to start anything with you." She states, her voice sounds annoyed. "Oh really? Do you think I'm going to believe that you f*cking shoe?! You call my channel cancerous, okay, whatever. But when I make a video about you and you make one about me, you don't expect me to make something worse?" I ask, my voice getting a little louder than it should've yet her face is still hard and now looks a bit angry. "Actually, no. I didn't expect you to make a second video about me. The one I made in response wasn't even that bad!" I get quiet. She was right. She's actually not that great at roasting. She not bad but she's not great. I guess I just didn't want to believe that someone like her thought those types of things about me.

I know that most Youtubers aren't fond of my existence but I just never thought she'd be one of them. I'm not gonna lie, I have watched some of her content and it's pretty good. We have a similar, if not the same, sense of humor. Her channel just isn't centered around it. So when she said my channel was cancerous, it actually did annoy me. I focus back on her, her face has softened a bit but she still doesn't look happy with me. "Look Mr. Reptilian, if you want me to apologize, I will. I'll also do it via social media for everyone to see but I'm also not entirely at fault here..." her hands are on her hips and I can't help but notice how cute she looks. I get on to myself and then nod at her "Right. You don't need to do it on social media but an apology would be nice. I do sincerely apologize for everything I said and for even making a video on you to begin with. I also shouldn't have used a super old video of yours." A small smile appears on her face and she begins her apology "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have replied to your video the way I did and kept it going. And I'm sorry for my petty tweets" she laughs. I laugh too " too"

"Sooo... We're cool, right?" I ask hopefully. She nods "We are."
"Does that make us friends or at least put us on the path to friendship?" I question, my eyebrow raised. She seems to consider this and then shrugs "If you want it to? I wouldn't mind to be completely honest."
"Great! Then I guess we're friends" I say with a chuckle. She smiles "Well, since we're now friends... Would you like to come and have some sushi for lunch with me?"
That catches me a bit off guard. I didn't expect her to do that, I'm not complaining though. "Yeah, that sounds great!" I say with a genuine smile this time.
"Okay...well, we should probably find a sushi place" she says, pulling out her phone
I laugh "Wait, you don't already have a place in mind?"
She shakes her head, a focused look on her face as she types on her phone. I laugh again "I actually do know of a place, if you want to go there?"
"That's good" She says, looking a bit embarrassed.
"Let's get going cause I'm starving" I exclaim, placing my hand on her back as I lead her out of the conference room. I'm trying my best to be a gentlemen, so I reach and open the door for her. She seems surprised but doesn't say anything. "What kinda face is that?" I ask, faking offense. "The kind that doesn't believe that a lizard person could be so nice" She says with a straight face. I gasp and frown, putting my hand over my chest "That hurts. What could've possibly made you think that I wasn't nice?"
She laughs "Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that you're a cyber bully!!" I shake my head "That's it. I'm killing myself. Gonna go do some bleach shots." We burst into laughter as we walk out of the conference room.
Heading towards the doors I get an idea. I hurry in front of her and get to them before she does. For a second I make her think I'm going to hold it open for her and then pull it shut. Her face is confused and amused. She reaches for the other door but I hold that one shut as well. She gives me a "really bitch?" face and I just shrug and laugh. She shrugs back and turns to walk away, shit. I quickly open a door "Wait wait wait wait!" I call out. She turns around laughing and runs out the door "Thank you". I let out a sigh of relief, I knew that couldn't have possibly made her angry but I still didn't want her to go. I shake my head an walk back out, standing next to her as I start walking with her towards the sushi place.
"What's up with the stupid hat of yours?" I ask. She takes it off and looks at it "Does it really look stupid? I know it's not great and it's not a favorite of mine but I thought it'd at least be a bit cute?" I shake my head at her. " looks pretty dumb" I laugh "A snapback would probably look better" I add, hoping that I haven't insulted her too bad since she keeps the hat off her head. "I have one and I didn't bring it with me" She says giggling.
I question what's gotten into me when I pull mine off and place it on her head. I look at her nod "Looks good. A little big..." I laugh and she does too.
When she goes to pull it off I stop her "Why are you taking it off?" I ask
"Don't you want it back?" She asks, a small frown on her forehead. I shake my head "I think it looks better on you" I say with a smile.
Shameless flirting? Yeah. I'm sure she realizes it because her cheeks seem to become slightly pink. "Thanks" she sounds a bit shy.


"I just don't understand all the hate, I never said I hated feminists I just said I hated feminazis. I have no problem with feminism like, fight for what you think is right but that's just not my thing. I personally am perfectly fine the way I am." She shrugs and leans back in her chair. I nod "Yeah, the second you say something negative about feminism, everyone just assumes you hate them and should get your balls ripped off!" I laugh. "Right!" She starts laughing as well. We've already ate our sushi and have been sitting for half an hour just talking. Mostly about our channels and the audience and such. It turns out that we do have the same sense of humor. She's just learned how to censor herself better, she did admit that she feels better hanging out with someone like me, it gives her the freedom to let loose. I can't begin to explain how great that made me feel. I felt like a good person for once.

"I really like the music you use for your outros." Piper says randomly. I smile "Thank you, do you like rap and electronic music?" I ask her curiously.  "Yeah, along with other stuff" She says with a shrug. We start talking about the music artists we listen to and we listen to a lot of the same people.

"So who got you into rap?" I ask. She laughs and then says "Eminem". I let out a laugh as well "Basic!" She reaches over and lightly smacks my arm "He's still great!" I nod in agreement "True." 

((A/N: I don't know who all he listens to, wish I did, so I'm going to have to make stuff up. Don't hate me please))


An hour later we decided to get out of there. It was already 2 in the afternoon and we both had to get stuff uploaded. We also decided to do collaboration. She was going to commentate with me and we're still trying to figure out what to do on her channel. PiperFilms is such a great channel name, it's vague but cool. She does so many different types of videos.

We walk back to the hotel which wasn't too far away. Like 15 min. We haven't ran into any viewers, that's good, we don't want our videos to be spoiled. Everyone still thinks we don't like each other, including our friends. Her's had been asking her where she was a lot. She answered once, saying she was kidnapped by me and added an lol. Also added a picture of me holding my hand over her mouth while looking evil. This friendship seems like it'll be a bit different to my normal ones, I don't mind though.

A/N: this is long too xD sorry it took me a while to upload. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, please leave your thoughts on it in the comments. I'd love to know what you think and read any suggestions you guys might have. Also, what should Piper and Calvin do for her video? A challenge? Maybe sing a song? (He can play some guitar) idk. Anyways, I hope you guys are having a great night
                           peace peace xx

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