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The story is going to start drifting away from the show some more.

What does one do in a situation like this? Carli had said the words that had started a war in that house, and it was bad.

But what else was she supposed to do? She couldn't do anything else, because everything else would have put her a spot that made her uncomfortable and hurting from the guilt. 

Elena Gilbert, whom Carli spent her summer with(trying to find her boyfriend), but somehow in some strange way the two connected. It wasn't forced, or love at first sight. It just happened, because one day Carli realized she cared for Elena. 

Carli went from simply doing a task that her brother asked her to do, to somehow caring the group here in Mystic Falls. There were so many things that pulled her in, and it drove her to stay. The way Elena put others before her, and fighting for what she believed in no matter who was against her. The fact that she laughed at the worst jokes, and couldn't cook to save her life. How she appeared whiney, and unable to fend for herself. 

In truth, she was the bravest person Carli had ever met. Elena wasn't afraid to die for her friends at the hands of Klaus. She was braver than Harry when he went against Voldemort, or Tris when she ran through the death serum to save her home. 

Elena was braver than Johnny when he stabbed Bob to save Ponyboy, or Amy when she found herself in Oz and prepared herself to save the land from Dorothy. Braver than Rapunzel, or Ariel, or Brian O'Connor, or Dominico Toretto. Elena soared higher than Carl in Up, or Castiel in Supernatural. 

Then there was Tori. Carli and Tori were so close, and there's so much history. The years of being together with all the family dinners, and the talks about futures together. Carli always remembered that guilty feeling for talking about futures together, because she knew she was being selfish. 

However, that's all changed now and they actually can have a future together. The wedding of their dreams, adopting together, and so much more. Then, Carli remembers that she lied. It had all been a lie and it hurt. Those nights she stayed up, telling herself she was a terrible person for being so greedy, but the whole time Tori was the one who was being greedy. 

She wanted a normal life, and lied to someone she loved. Now she was running, and she was running from her lover's brother. 

So this was hard, and she was going to feel the guilt of a thousands for hurting either of them. 

"What do you mean by sorry?" Tori furrows her brows, and folds her arms. 

"I can't do this, with either of you, and I'm sorry." 

"You just agreed to marry me!" Tori throws her arms into the air, clearly frustrated by Carli's inability to choose. 

"And now I'm saying that I can't," Carli replies calmly. 

"She's made her choice, lets be mature and respect her decision." Elena attempts to relax Tori, but it only fuels her fire. 

"You are the reason she had to make a choice!" Tori bursts, "Had you been able to keep your shit together I'd still be with her!" 

"Tori," Carli shakes her head. "Stop pointing fingers, and leave." 

"We would have been back home," Tori explains in a softer tone. "We would have been getting ready for our wedding by now, and my parents would have given us the honeymoon of our dreams." 

"I know that," Carli's voice cracks. "I just can't get past you hurting me the way you did, and I'm sorry that I let you think that it was okay." 

Bound Together | Elena GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now