Who's the Father

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Grace's POV

After the James incident I had gone upstairs to our room in hopes of calming down Aiden. Once we entered the room his loud cries became quiet sniffles. He didn't say much other than the man had scared him and didn't want to be hurt. I reassured him that the man wouldn't hurt him as long as he had me. He nodded and continued to cling on to my shirt while I held him close to me. After Aiden seemed more calm I changed him into something comfortable and changed myself into spandex and a shirt. I sat him on the bed and put on a movie for him to watch. Once I saw that he was falling asleep I fixed my baby on the bed and crawled in next to him holding him close to my chest.

"I won't ever let anyone hurt you my son." I whispered to him and he gave me small smile as his response while he closed his eyes. I smiled down at him and kissed his forehead before falling asleep next to my little man. I started to stir at the sensation of  someone thing on my forehead and tried to swat it but hit nothing. Annoyed I started to open my eyes blinking slowly to let my eyes adjust to the darkness. Once I was fully up and able to see who had entered my room I was furious. 

"What the fuck are you doing in here you bastard" I spat as I came face to face with James. I slowly moved off the bed to not disturb Aiden but made sure I was still in front of him so he was shielded from James vision. He stood before me seeming distraught at the disrespect I was giving him. 

"Don't speak to me like that mate." growled James as he glared at me. I rolled my eyes scoffing at the word mate.

"Last time I checked I was mate less." I smirked taunting him as he continued to look at me angry. I was determined to not show him any weakness I never wanted to let him take control of me again. He's a pathetic Alpha and mate that we are no longer afraid of. His face relaxed as he sighed giving me a look of remorse. 

"I made a mistake Grace...I should've never rejected you or-" He started hanging his head low not making eye contact. 

"Raped me." I bit out as I felt Sky and me become one and glare at James. He looked up in sadness almost desperate for me to not say it again.

"You don't deserve us James. Now I suggest you leave before we do something we'll regret." Sky growled baring her canines at him.

"Grace please I know I've been a jerk-" He said his eyes glossing over with unshed tears. Probably crocodile tears there's no way a man as terrible as him has any real feelings. 

"You are far from a jerk! You are worse than a jerk! I would prefer to have a jerk of a mate instead of a mate that's a rapist! That's what you are a RAPIST! You raped me and rejected me like I was nothing!" All the memories I had locked away from that night were rushing back flooding my head with pictures of him on top of me. 

 "You don't deserve our love now leave !" I screamed hoping he would get the hint and leave us alone. He tried moving closer to me but I backed up until I hit the edge of the bed. 

"Grace I-" 

"Mommy?" Aiden's voice interrupted James sad excuse of an apology. I felt a small tug on the back of my shirt and turned around to see Aiden trying to stand up on the bed.

"Mommy mad ?" He said as he reached out his hands for me to pick him up. I smiled down at him and grabbed him so I can sit down and place him on my lap.

"Don't worry sweetheart I'm just talking to the man." I said trying to calm him down so he wouldn't worry. Aiden tilted his head before turning around to see "the man" and instantly recognized James as the "Scary man" from earlier. He whimpered as he clutched onto my chest making me hold him tighter trying to comfort him. I looked up to see his eyes trained on Aiden and I swear I could feel his anger roll off of him. 

"Who's the father?" Seethed James as his eyes turned into black soulless abysses as he stared at Aiden.  That damn idiot can't even recognize his own pup. I growled at James as me and Sky didn't approve of the way he was looking at Aiden. James eyes snapped toward mine.

"Don't look at my baby like that." I snapped. 

"Who. Is. The. Father." He growled out. I rolled my eyes unamused by his temper.

"Leave James I don't have time for your idiotic questions." I said looking down at Aiden to make sure he was doing okay with James being so close to him. Aiden still had his tiny fists clenched on my shirt but was leaning into my chest with his eyes closed. James said nothing and just stood there watching me with an angry look on his face. He slowly started leaning into me with a look of hatred which made me hold Aiden closer to me out of caution.

"Listen here sweetheart. I will find out who the father is and will rip him piece to piece. You are MINE." He gritted out with a smirk.

"Well good luck honey. I'll never be yours and you're too stupid to find out who the father is." I smirked at his frustrated face as he stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him. Aiden jumped at the noise and looked around scared before realizing that we were alone.

"He gone?" He asked with his big blue eyes staring into mine. I smiled and nodded before putting him back under the covers where he fell asleep almost immediately. I laid down turning over to look at Aiden. I felt tears start to come out of my eyes crying at the memories of what James did to me. I hated that he made me feel like this again even after I told myself I wouldn't let him get to me. 

It's okay Gracie. We put up a good front so he won't ever know his affect on us.

I know Sky. Just him being here made my memories come back I can't let that happen again. I just hope that he never finds out who the father is. 

Me too Grace. Me too.  

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