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Xavier's POV

I can't believe that my mate has my pup! I was overwhelmed with joy at knowing that he was mine. I froze. He's mine, no he's ours, I smiled thinking about how my mate carried our pup. That happiness soon turned to pain at the thought of he was conceived in such a horrible way. My mate didn't deserve what had happened, and it was all my stupid human's fault for taking her by force. I should've been stronger that night and forced him to stop, then maybe she would've been happy with us.

I thought back to that night and how much it destroyed  me to watch my mate scream out in pain. James just kept the block up refusing entrance so I could take over. She was resisting so much that night and I just kept begging him to stop. I growled and howled out in desperation hoping that James would have some sort of humanity to stop if he heard me howling at her pain. I felt a tear slip out of eye remembering everything that night.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't realized James trying to break through and gain control again. I put down that barrier to allow him to gain control.

What the hell Xavier why were you in control?

I couldn't sleep so I decided to take control for the night and take a walk in the forest before coming back to bed. I lied smiling to myself thinking about the night I spent with my mates and pup.

Okay? How were you able to gain control like that? I thought that I had to be awake for you to be able to gain control don't you need my permission?

Ever since that night I kept practicing so I can gain control whenever I want. I'm never letting you make a terrible mistake again. I growled out feeling angry all over again.

I won't Xavier. I promise.

I don't believe you. Pathetic human. I hissed out before retreating to the back of his mind and staying in my own little world. I laid down thinking about my mate and my pup. He was the spitting image of his mother, which I was grateful for. This meant that James would never know about him and that made me happy. Keeping this secret meant making sure that my pup was safe from him and I wouldn't let him touch a single hair on his head.

Not only was his safety important to me, but keeping my mate happy was also really important to me. I couldn't protect her back then, but I can protect her now. I intend to protect her for the rest of my life even if James won't. I felt James get depressed so I decided to see what he was doing. And sure enough he was talking to my mate, however she asked him a question that he knew he could never answer her, "Why should I give you a chance to talk about what happened?"

You don't have a  good reason.

I know Xavier. I really fucked up.

You deserve this pain and sadness that you're feeling.  He sighed knowing that I had a point and walked out of the kitchen but stopped abruptly to see who was in the living room. I held my breath realizing that it was Aiden and the twins that came with the pack. James said nothing but moved closer to my pup.

What are you doing?

I want to see her pup. He looks so much like her, but I wonder who the father is he has some different features that I know aren't hers. Maybe it's someone from the pack. If it is I can shred him to pieces. I began to panic.

We should leave the pup alone. Grace will get even more upset at us for disturbing her pup, or the twins will wake up and then problems will start between us and Grace's pack.

Oh shut it Xavier. I started to push myself forward to gain control . There's no way he's getting closer than this to my pup. He fought against me trying to push me to the back of his mind but I held my ground.

Xavier stand down! I'm the one who is in control not you!

You forget who gives you strength. Im the one who gives you your supernatural abilities! You would be NOTHING without me. So I suggest you back down human. I growled. James seemed to be shocked which allowed me to take control of his body. I made us walk away from our pup before Grace came down and yelled at James for being near Aiden.

Why Xavier...why are you torturing me like this. His voice sounded so pained, betrayal showed on his face.

Easy. I want you to feel pain. Even though I can't torture you physically. I can mentally and emotionally. It's what you deserve James.

I don't think I can ever forgive him. The thought of it makes me sick. How could I ever forgive the person who harmed the only person I could ever love. He ruined the chance of ever learning about our mate and getting to learn about our pup. Why couldn't I get a human who appreciated the role of being a mate and a good alpha.

I hadn't realized how far out I had walked from the house. I was deep in the forest away from our pup. I sat down taking deep breaths trying to keep James at bay inside so he wouldn't get back to Aiden.

Stand down James. I'm not letting you get control and ruin more things with Grace. I sighed out hoping that he would understand.

Did you really mean what you said? About wanting to torture me..

Yes. You have done nothing but be ungrateful to me and my mate. You don't deserve to be Alpha.

Xavier... I'm sorry I really am.

How can I believe you James. Ever since we became one you took advantage of what the Moon goddess blessed you with. You ruined the relationship between us and our mate.

I sighed. James stayed quiet at my words. I leaned back on a tree hoping that I would be able to spend time with my mate and pup tonight after James fell asleep. I wonder why the Moon goddess paired me up with this human. He wasn't fit to be Alpha and he definitely didn't deserve a mate.


What now James.

How about I let you be in control whenever you want. I won't put up a fight anymore. I'll listen to you and let you be in control, so we can get our mate back.

I froze. A wolf in control when they want? I've never heard of that before, a wolf was never supposed to be the one in control for long periods of time we were supposed to be a gift from the Moon goddess to aid her children.

What are you talking about James. I know I take control of your body more now than before, but even then I'm not supposed to be the main one in control all the time. I don't know how that will affect your body. Damn me for actually caring.

This is the only way to get our mate back. So what do you say Xavier? Let's switch roles.

What the fuck.

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