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I walked into my room looking at my wife laying down.

I took off my suit & laid in bed.

I tried to touch her but she moved.

"Come on." I said

"I'm serious. Don't fucking touch me. Hope you know we're having a family meeting about Anamara to see a psychologist." I told him.

"Why?" I asked confused

"If you were home you would know that the girls are suspended for fighting, Anamara beat up some girl and got took to jail. So now she has to go to court in two days along with an assault charge. Now if you don't mind, I'll like to sleep." she snapped.

I knew I wasn't home as much but I had my reasons. I just can't tell her yet. It's too early when we already have so much going on.


Next Day.

Anamara 😈
It was early in the morning & nobody was in their rooms so I walked downstairs & everybody was sitting on the couch.

So I done the same.

"What is this about?" I asked

"About you." my mom said
"We feel you should go to a anger management rehabilitation facility." she continued

"Are you kidding? So what all y'all plotting against?" I snapped

"I didn't know anything about this."Mesha said in her defense

"Just me, deja, dad & pops knew." Honesty clarified

"Oh ok. So y'all can tell De'ja before me? I'm older than her!" I yelled

"It'll just be for four months, Anna. It's in Nebraska. So you can get away from Missouri for a while." my mom said

"Ohhh." I got up & chuckled. "I see exactly what this is. If you wanna put me outta your fucking house and send me to another foster family then do it! Don't beat around the bush. Rehab my ass!"

"That's not what were trynna do, cupcake. You need this, for you. We love you. We'll never send you away." my dad clarified

"A la mierda todos ustedes." (fuck all you) I said as I punched a hole in the wall & went to my room.

"Exactly what I'm talking about. That anger!" my mom said.

"I'll go talk to her." Mesha said

"Not allowed." I said to her when walked into my room.

"I know your not mad at me?" she scoffed, " I knew nothing about it."

"yeah right." I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't. I thought the intervention was gonna be for me." she sat on my bed. "Look Anna , I'm going through something emotional and your going through something mentally and emotionally, so why don't you want help?"

"Cause I don't."

"But you need it. Plus, my babyboy or girl is gonna need a strong aunt like you."

I chuckled, " I know."

"So, you gonna go?" she asked.

"Guess I don't have a choice." I told her.


Court day
I arrived at court & I wasn't really nervous because I didn't care what happened.

I sat waiting for my name to be called,.

"Case number 12515, state of Missouri versus Ardeshir." the just said & I walked up infront of the judge with my mom friend, Joe as a lawyer.

"I see you have a history of violence, Ms Ardeshir." the judge said to me.

"Sumin like that." I responded

"Your honor, Ardeshir here grew up in a home where her my mom wasn't a druggy and suffered abuse from her father. I think with a background like that we should give Ms Ardeshir here another chance because going through a life as that, your more than likely to suffer anger management." Joe explained to him.

"Hmm, I know your adopted mother is the District Attorney of Missouri but don't think because me and her know eachother I'm going to always let you off. Since it is your first offense, You're gonna be doing four months in a Anger management Rehabilitation facility in Nebraska. You have a restraining order against you also but since y'all go to the same school, I'm cutting it down to a minimum of twenty feet. You will also be going to school, half days now from eight to twelve. You have probation until further notice. You will go see you probation officer , Daniel Scott in room five." judge banged his gavel. "Next case!"

I walked out the doors to see my mother standing there.

I walked into room five that read, "Daniel Scott" on the door, so I went inside.

I thought I was going to get lucky & have a ugly fat slob of a probation officer but luckily I didn't.

He was Caucasian , tall, nice build Caucasian! He looked like he was in his mid thirties or late twenties.

His hair was short and black. His eyes were brown.

He had on a nice suit where the pants showed off his nice round butt & tight fit suit shirt that showed every muscle on him. I could already tell he works out alot.

"Hi." I said closing the door, biting my bottom lip.

"You must be Anamara Ardeshir. Come sit ." he said with his deep husky voice that made me weak to my knees.

"That's me." I said sitting down slowly & sexy crossing my legs.

"Okay. Let me see you paper work. I'll sign it and you can be on your way."

I handed him the papers still admiring him sexy ass.

He handed me that papers after signing them. I got up walking to the door.

"When you get back from Nebraska, you'll be coming to see me taking a drug test, twice a week. Any day is up to you." he said to me

"Fine with me." I said tryna sound all sexy.

"I'll be checking in on you in Nebraska, make sure you're being cooperative."

Okay now his ass buggin.

"Aight." I said walking out the door.

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