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Ardeshir residence in multimedia .

Living in a ten bedroom mansion & also going to a public school can cause problems for the Ardeshir girls because some feel like they their too good. All type of children go to Bay High. Middle class, low class, even suburban children. Bay High is a more open school. You don't have to live in the district to go there.



I sat up in bed and looked over at Ray. My mom anf pops loved Ray and always loved for him to come over. He was 21, so three years older than me. I mean at first they had a problem with it because they felt he was too much older but of course they came around.

"Wake up." I said in his ear and nudged him a but causing him to groan.

"Wassup?" he said in his sleepy voice. That voice always had me weak, I know I'm not the only one.

"You have to get up for school and so do I. So get up." I was getting up off the bed but he grabbed me and got on top of me and start kissing me.

"Stop." I said while laughing and kissing him back. He kept kissing me then I finally moved him off me.

"Come on baby." he begged.

I smiled, "You had some last night. Get up and go. You have a bit of a drive back to the university."

He walked towards me, "True dat. Get in the shower and all that first, then walk me out. I'll wait."

I nod and step into the bathroom. I stripped out my clothes and hopped in after setting the water to the right temperature. After twenty minutes of washing my hair and body plus rinsing, I got out and put on my outfit with my hair flat ironed.

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"I'm ready."

"Hold up. You wearing that to school?"

"Come on now. I'm a senior, couple more months until I'm leaving being known as the it bitch." I said smiling.

He shook his head, "I guess." We walked out my room and down the stairs. We got to the door and I opened it for him.

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