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At around 9 am, there was a knock on my door. Well that's my ride to the airport. Today is a Friday and I'm on my way to L.A with Harry for a conference and lucky for me I have to work the entire weekend. I'm so excited! Note the sarcasm.

I pick up my luggage and open the door to be greeted by Harry's driver, Richie. He politely smiles at me,"Hello Ms Gomez. Can I get that for you?"

I flash a smile his way,"No thank you Richie. I got it. And please just called me Selena" I say and he nods. I lock my apartment behind me and follow Richie to the car where the devil is probably waiting.

I'm going to be on a plane for over five hours so I wore pretty causal comfortable clothes. I'm wearing black jeans, with a simple white tee and a leather jacket on top. I've decided to complement my outfit with a nice hat, red bag and black heels. Richie helps me put my luggage in the back and opens the door for me for which I thank him.

Harry is already sitting there in black skinny jeans and a blue collar t-shirt. His hair is in man bun. His eyes were covered with black sunglasses. I'm not going to lie, he looked hot but I would never tell him that. Or anyone else even.

Harry shots me a smile,"Hello Ms Gomez."

I simply nod and take out my phone wanting to ignore him.

We had just boarded on our plan. First time in a private jet. I honestly thought he would get us first class tickets or something at most but what should I expect from a Billionaire. I don't even know why I'm surprised. The good thing about a private jet is that I don't have to sit next to him. I can take a seat anywhere else.

An hour or so into a flight,Harry comes and takes a seat next to me. I don't even bother looking at him. I'm too busy enjoying the Taylor Swift song ringing in my ears.

Harry pulls the earphone out of my right ear and plugs it into his own. Now this catches my attention and I turn my head to give him a glare.

Harry moves his head to the beat of the song,"I love this song. Don't you? Taylor Swift is a lyrical genius no?"

I pause the song on my phone and put it aside along with the headphones that I rudely snatched from him.

"Are you mad at me Selena?" Harry asks with a very amused look plastered on his face.

"So you remember my name!" I say throwing my hands in the air as if I'm super excited.

Harry raises an eyebrow at me awfully confused,"What?"

I let out a sigh,"Well for almost a month you've been addressing me as "Ms Gomez" as if you've forgotten my first name"

"I was just being professional Selena" Harry says causally.

I scoff obviously annoyed,"And what are you being right now?"

He smiles at me, showing off his dimples,"Friendly"

"I honestly don't understand you at all" I mumble under my breath. This man is confusing.

Harry flashes me an amused grin,"What exactly do you not understand about me?"

"The fact that you're so bipolar. One second you're a gentlemen and are opening up. The next you're yelling at me because your coffee is cold? Like what is up with that?" I ask letting out a huff.

Harry starts chuckling. I look up at him with furrowed eyebrows,"What's so funny?" I ask.

"You obviously" he says cheekily,"I apologize for my rude behavior towards you. Now onwards I'll only be a gentlemen"

"Well I'm not forgiving you" I say trying to be stern but it just comes out childish.

Harry grins, obviously amused by my behavior. "And why is that?"

"Well because I don't completely trust you. You might be all nice and sweet today but I honestly don't even know if on Monday you'll be the same guy!"

"I can guarantee you that I will be the same man!" Harry says the grin never leaving his lips.

I sigh in defeat,"Then I guess you're forgiven." I mumble causing Harry to smile.

"Good then. Glad that's past us!"

"Wait one thing" I say causing Harry to look up at me,"Why did you become mean all the sudden? After being so nice when we were at that charity event?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

A guilty look is plastered on Harry's face for a second,"Can I be honest?" I simply nod.

"I don't exactly know. I mean I can't really explain it. I was actually opening up to you that day and like I told you, I don't make friends. At all. So I felt like if act like a dick, you'll hate me and chances of us ever being friends or even friendly co-workers would be one in a million"

I furrow my eyes in confusion,"You do realize that you can't really push away people forever right?" I ask.

"It worked for me for a very long time" Harry says with all seriousness.

"I bet it did, but do you really think carrying this "I'm a tyrant, I don't give a shit about others" attitude is going to get you anywhere? I'm not trying to be your therapist or intrude in your personal life but I'm just saying. I mean I couldn't possibly live that way" I say shrugging.

Harry gives me weak smile,"Alot of things in the past have made me quite closed off and honestly I don't really mind it anymore"

"So you really have given up haven't you?" I ask.

Harry raises an eyebrow,"Given up? What are you talking about? I have this successful business, I'm one of the wealthiest people alive. What do you exactly mean when you say "Given up"?"

"I mean no offence but there's a huge difference in being rich and successful and being happy. Alot of poor people, who have barely anything are happy"

"Do you think I'm not happy?" Harry asks.

"Well I think that you like to think that you are, but your life seems very incomplete. Or maybe, I have no idea what I'm talking about? I mean I don't really know you after all do I?" I ask flashing him a smile.

"What about you Selena? Are you happy?" Harry asks mimicking my tone.

I slightly chuckle,"Ofcourse I am. Why wouldn't I be? A good job, a good life. Young, an amazing boyfriend. What else could I possibly want?"

"True. True. But you never really know when life hits you in the face, with a brick!" Almost immediately the both of us start laughing.

"W-What do you even mean?" I ask between my laughs.

"Oh, nothing! Just trying to lighten the mood" Harry says showing off his dimples.

"Passengers, please fasten your seatbelts, we're preparing for landing" the pilot says into the microphone. As Harry and I do as we're told.

You know what? I have this very strong belief that men indeed do get their periods. I mean they sure as hell PMS like they do. And they say girls are complicated. Yeah as if.

The Billionaire // H.S & S.GWhere stories live. Discover now