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"You know you have to take it right?" Nina says. I had just told her about Mr Styles's offer.

"Nina..I don't know" I say taking a sip of my coffee.

"Selena, this is your big break. I mean you're going to get much more money and working as HIS assistant will look amazing on your CV, like why are you even thinking of turning an offer like this down?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know. I don't like the guy. He was being really polite yesterday but I bet that was just because he wanted me to accept his offer. How am I going to stand him for 12 hours a day?"

"If you want to stay, then stay but you know that a chance like this might not come knocking on your door anytime soon"

She's right. I should take it but. God this is so confusing. "Well I should get going now but you should really think about this Sel. What did Daniel say?" She asks getting up from the couch.

"Well we're having dinner today, so I'm going to tell him tonight"

"I'm sure he's going to want you to take the job!" Nina says. She smiles at me and hugs me.

"I'll see you at work on Monday? Or maybe I won't?" She asks with a amused grin.

"I'll let you know what happens!" I smile. With that she walks outside to her car.

At around 8, my doorbell rang and I went to answer it. I saw my smiling boyfriend standing there in a button down blue shirt with black jeans. With takeout from our favorite Chinese restaurant.

I smile at him. He walks inside and wraps his arms around my waist. I crash my lips onto his, we devour each other for awhile when I pull away and give him a smile.

"Hello Gorgeous!" He says.

I smile,"Why hello handsome"

I grab the bag of takeout and take it to the kitchen with Daniel following me.

I started taking everything out in bowls, Daniel wraps his arms around my waist from behind and kisses me on my cheeks,"I brought the special dumplings that you love!"

I turn my head and peck him on the lips,"Thank you, you're so good to me"

After taking everything out we take our food to the living room and place it on the coffee table.

"Let's dig in shall we? I'm starving!" Daniel says.

"Yes let's do it!" I say.

"So how was your day?" Daniel asks taking a bite of his food.

"Oh fine. Slept in till 12, then Nina came over and we had a little girl time. It's funny that we see each other all the time yet we never run out of things to say to each other" I chuckle.

Daniel smiles at lovingly,"That is what you call true friendship"

"How was your day?" I ask looking at him.

"Oh well nothing special. I ran into Steve today!" He says nonchalantly.

"Really how is he?Are him and Melissa still together?" Steve was Daniel's first ever roommate and Melissa was his girlfriend. Until Daniel got his own place we were pretty close with the two, after Daniel got his own place we really didn't see each other much. Life got busy you know?

The Billionaire // H.S & S.GWhere stories live. Discover now