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Once again I was awoken by my alarm clock ringing and buzzing. God, I hate waking up at 8 am! What's the point of graduating school when you have to wake up for work at 8? I honestly used to think that after school you can like wake up whenever or something. Life is so unfair. And I'm so stupid! I pull the covers off my body and head to the bathroom.

I examine my face in the mirror. Ugh. Why can't I wake up looking stunning? So I can actually tell people,"I woke up like this!" Damn you Beyoncé. I decide to put on a grey pantsuit with black heels and a black undershirt. I don't feel like washing my hair today so I just tied it in a pony tail.

After finishing my bowl of cereal and washing the dishes, I head out. I really could have called in sick or something, Mr Payne wouldn't have said anything but the fact that our tyrant boss man Mr Styles is coming tomorrow, we have alot of work to do and I know everyone is terrified so I can't just sit at home and relax when we have so much to do. Sigh.

On the way to the office I stop at Starbucks and pick up coffees for Mr Payne and I. I was craving Starbucks today. I mean I love Steve but this coffee is heaven. I'm pretty sure Starbucks coffee would be available in heaven.

I reach the office, park my car at the usual spot and walk towards the elevator. The elevator is almost closing when I yell,"Hey! Hold up the elevator!"

The doors open as I walk inside. I'm greeted by a smiling Mr Payne,"Good Morning Selena!"

"Good Morning Mr Payne I mean Liam. You're here early today?" I ask.

"Well alot of work has to be done."

I nod,"Your usual" I hand him his coffee.

"Thank you Selena" he smiles,"How come you didn't ask Steve to get coffee today?"

"Oh no reason. I was kind of craving some Starbucks so I thought why not?" I say and Liam simply smiles.

We reach our floor and head to our separate offices. I pull out my laptop and start my work.

I had a few files I had to give Liam before Lunch so I head to his office. I knock on the door and hear a "Come in" and head inside.

Liam is on the phone with someone, he gestures for me to take a seat so I take a seat in front of him and just wait for his phone call to end.

Liam lets out a rather loud chuckle,"Don't worry Harry! All will be well! Yeah yeah. Just try to control your temper a bit? You know what I mean! Yes okay okay. Goodbye Harry. See you tomorrow!" With that Liam hangs up the phone.

"Sorry about that Selena. That was Mr Styles" Liam says.

"You two seem very friendly. I mean I thought he was an evil tyrant or something!" I ask with an amused smile.

Liam slightly laughs,"Well he does have a bit of a temper issue but he likes me. I had actually started working here as his assistant about 10 years ago and this company as well as a friendship flourished. He really is a mastermind. Long story short, we got close and became good friends. He's not really an evil man as everyone says he is or thinks he is he's just very closed off towards everyone. Plus he's also British like myself so we had a lot to bond over" Liam says. Well that makes alot of sense.

The Billionaire // H.S & S.GWhere stories live. Discover now